Dear Mr. Wayne,
Your money would be much better spent in donations to political campaigns that would create social services to help prevent people from suffering desperation than it was funding armaments used on violent campaigns to brutalize those who already are desperate
"You ask my advice, Sir? Lay off the toasted cheese, Captain Tight Breeches!"
Holmes, you arrogant twit, quit treating your landlady like a serf ffs. You Tory bastards need to pick up after yourselves & listen for a change
Fuck Elrond and every non-Legolas elf. Those lazy motherfuckers don't help shit.
Look Alexander, you're not the only one whose had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Suck it up!
#insultafictionalcharacter #hashtaggames
Dear Leslie, remember the time you facilitated your obsession with stalking and vilifying a child by dating a cop?
Remember the time you took your grieving friend to a sex worker, asked the sex worker to fix the grief, then told the sex worker she shouldn't be a sex worker and should rethink her career? Remember telling your sex-worker-hopeful intern that sex workers are drug addicted collage drop outs?
Remember bribing a different worker to hide your affair with the guy who came to cut all the welfare and community programs? Remember when you framed all that as cute and sexy to the audience?
You'll fit in great in DC, Ms Knope.
Falcon Punch this dick you dumb himbo
I didn't pour that milk or make those cookies for you, fatso. Just leave the presents, and go.
No, I cannot fight you right now. I'm busy. Your goofball sidekick literally set the whole neighborhood on fire, and I'm stuck cleaning your constant messes since you're not assuming goddamn responsibility. #insultafictionalcharacter
Rupert, you are so low you could play handball off the curb.
#hashitout #HashtagGames #tedlasso #insultafictionalcharacter
Hey Atticus -- just wanted to remind you that YOU LOST. Your client got convicted and he went to prison and now he's dead. NIce lawyering job there, buddy. But hey, enjoy patting yourself on the back for having such high principles.
#insultafictionalcharacter #HashtagGames
#InsultAFictionalCharacter #HashtagGames Hardy Boys, really??? It takes 2 of you to solve a mystery when Nancy Drew can solve them all by herself, even with everyone side eyeing her for being a woman?
#HashtagGames #insultafictionalcharacter
Peter Gunn, you wouldn't know who was guilty if they didn't knock you unconscious.
Your dog is a better ______ than you.
#insultafictionalcharacter #HashtagGames
#insultafictionalcharacter let me get this straight... you want to run away from home, develop a disability and massively alter your own body all for the sake of a guy whose at least 10 years older than you, whom you've never even had a real conversation with ?
Even by teenage-crush standards that, Ariel, is the dumbest fucking idea I have ever heard. I'm with your dad here.
Pippin rounded on Gandalf.
"Listen up, you. If you came at Sauron with the same energy you put in yelling at me and threatening to give everybody a scorched Middle Earth haircut, this book'd be a damn novella. You wanna make yourself useful, then magic up some decent food willya? This lembas bread is some unseasoned elven garbage. You're 714 years older than me, but only half as mature and a thousand times as cranky. Get off my case already, sheesh."
The party walked on in silence, broken only by the quiet mutterings of the wizard and several hobbits stifling their laughter.