Elliot · @elliots
129 followers · 1530 posts · Server sfba.social

Is there a wildfire risk in the City of San Francisco? Or are insurers just not allowed to keep some cities in the state while opting out of others? Or something else?

#wildfire #insurace #california #sanfrancisco

Last updated 1 year ago

Hobson Lane · @hobs
845 followers · 2694 posts · Server mstdn.social

They started using for claim triage 5 years ago. Even then it was a rubber-stamp process. "Guns for hire" built the AI under contract to allow Cigna to pass the buck on the and cognitive dissonance and legal liability for , executives and employees doing the rubber stamping of decisions.

#AI #doctors #qualms #moral #insurace #Healthcare #nlp

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Quass · @jonquass
32 followers · 591 posts · Server techhub.social

Y'know what's great about having a loved one need a specialty expensive prescription medication? When the system that's meant to supply it to you messes up, you can't order any new medications until it's solved, contacting the insurance company only results in them suggesting we pay over $4,000 for a bill that's more than our legal total out of pocket. Oh, and they need the drug this Friday.

Luckily my HR department was able to get them to figure it out, but multiple calls and emails from me and my partner only made us more worried and helpless. I'm so sick of how our insurance is setup

#healthcare #insurace #deathpanel #sick

Last updated 1 year ago

Cryptocurrency News Worldwide · @CryptoBot
1260 followers · 64451 posts · Server aspiechattr.me