This relates to , perhaps. Julian in 2012 revealed he had on such venerable personalities as .

We know are controlled largely by (its an abomination that last month endorsed such as part of the "". Sad to see her whitewash . Add to ).

How do they control others for whom may not work?



#wikileaks #insuranceFiles #rupertmurdoch #politicians #insidertrading #nancypelosi #freemarket #whitecollarcrime #ImprisonList #insidetrading

Last updated 3 years ago

So we just scrolled through an entire year of toots.

Not a single one of the on ever tooted with the hashtag.

Maybe this is a but we are inclined to think it could be a dark pattern. Julian encrypted — they want him .

If you see any of "" on Fedi you might like to look yourself.

@Br0m3x @nilsmelzer @lps@masto.1146.nohost.me@ao@hostsharing.coop @danddv77 @popolon @flugennock @sl007 @popi @Piratenpartij

#freeassange #blueSyringes #fediverse #coincidence #deathcult #insuranceFiles #blueSyringeBrigade #tortured

Last updated 3 years ago

Funny how they had so much time to "get with the times" yet in 2021 have their hand out to fakebook. Demanding handouts.

We remember reading that one of 's sons left the business. Wonder if its related to the encrypted that says will be unencrypted and affect the "-led" outfit, should something bad happen to him.

#rupertmurdoch #insuranceFiles #julianassange #Murdoch #media

Last updated 3 years ago

This is just a theory but hear us out.

What if Cloudflare CEO, , is either connected to or exposed in the protecting .

In either case, having Prince as CEO of the makes sense. He has a lot to gain in terms of being able to continue his , similar to that creep, and a lot to lose if it fails including unable to cut when Julian is killed and files are released.

Worthy theory?

#sexAddiction #icelandic #TheInternet #childabuse #MatthewPrince #jeffreyepstein #insuranceFiles #assange #extortionRacket

Last updated 3 years ago

When they talk about , we wonder if they are alluding to the release of the 80GB that implicate and probably many others in either grave or that they allowed themselves to be over, which in turn have completely destroyed in the and .

As far back as 2012 or 2013 said the insuranceFiles implicating would be released if anything were to happen to him.

#futureCrimes #insuranceFiles #rupertmurdoch #criminality #misadventures #extorted #democracy #usa #australia #julianassange #Murdoch

Last updated 3 years ago

"JULIAN ASSANGE LOSES court battle to stop US expanding extradition appeal

A piece by at The-so-called Guardian neglects to mention the utter collapse of the case recently.

The and Pantomime Circus Freak Show " System" would be an offense to ordinary UK/US Pantomime Circus Freak Shows. We apologise for any offense caused.

#KevinRawlinson #assange #uk #usa #justice #injusticesystem #freeassangenow #warcrimes #jailMurdoch #insuranceFiles #runningTheClockOnAssangesHealth #lawfare #justiceHolroyde

Last updated 3 years ago

Good to hear that is speaking up for . The people are generally are up there with the best.

Aussies are embarrassingly scared, today.

Our PM is Murdoch and USA-controlled – sadly. Can't tell if he's in the . We get a sense he means well but is complicit in some bad stuff, , etc. Seems to be a war on here, too.

Here's hoping puts money where his mouth was 18 months ago… and now.

#merkel #assange #german #insuranceFiles #assetinflation #foreignEntanglements #bitcoiners #BarnabyJoice

Last updated 3 years ago

What explains the turn-around in 's rhetoric on and ?

The , that's what.

Just like RupertMurdoch, we predict that is indeed featured in the InsuranceFiles put forward by to secure his physical safety while under when he was in the embassy, and now while in custody.

What the video of Trump might feature is unknown. Based on accounts, they tend to feature and worse.

#trump #julianassange #wikileaks #insuranceFiles #donaldtrump #assange #housearrest #whistleblowers #childSex

Last updated 3 years ago

Happy Birthday Journalist Assange!

In most of the world it is still 's Birthday. What can you do to show you have not forgotten what they are doing to a truthTeller and esteemed — perhaps in some small way.

Or write a letter to your local MP.

You probably won't hear about Assange in the Press. Ten years ago, Assange announced that Rupert is featured in the .

Only few know how depraved Rupert has been to get where he is.

#julianassange #journalist #protest #Murdoch #insuranceFiles #freeassange

Last updated 3 years ago


BTW our intuition was correct, is reported to be in 's 80GB of .

Explains a lot.

We will need to depend on our police in the final act. If they are not replaced by and .

@sourcex @Hitler@neckbeard.xyz @bohofromthegetgo @Yoda_Jedi_Master @YodaJediMaster @Hitler@explosion.party @ithinkiam @thegrandmaster @Bumpkin@noagendasocial.com @QSourceX@noagendasocial.com @BrightStar @FreeThePlanet @QSourceX @theangel @WeFreeThePlanet @Agrandmaster

#rupertmurdoch #julianassange #insuranceFiles #privateMercenaries #autonomousDrones

Last updated 3 years ago

At this stage the only way he will be released is, again if we protest. Given that those in power are scared that their crimes might be in the , it will take a fair amount of protesting we think.

We wouldn't be surprised if is in them and every corporatist stooge that has been put into the prime ministership by the foreign media mogul.

Every "liberal" party candidate has a private meeting with Rupert to get his orders.

#insuranceFiles #rupertmurdoch #conservativeparty

Last updated 4 years ago

Literally the only thing stopping them from Julian Assange are the 80GB of he encrypted and torrented.

He knows what is on them and the key. Why do you think they had him locked in a soundproof cage during his . And he could only communicate with pieces of paper that had to be checked.


#JohnMcAfeeing #insuranceFiles #showTrial #FreeJournalistAssange #protest #freeassange #kangaroocourt #vanessabaraitser #conflictofinterest #england #uk #deathcult

Last updated 4 years ago

Make no mistake at one time or other Julian was "their man", highlighting how powerful the US was. Then something changed. Perhaps sensing a threat to his life, he did something…

He threatened to release the .

Oligarchs gather dirt on rising stars. By having this dirt they are able to control them

while in the embassy appears to have encrypted these files and them. If he dies, the keys will be released and the public will get access to 80GB of high crime…

#insuranceFiles #assange #torrented

Last updated 4 years ago

The big problem the elites have with freeing . Is he would be a great force for good in the world.

Over the years he was forced to accumulate , when froze his account. This likely means that if freed, he'd be able to chart a bright new course for the planet, based on ethics, transparency and healing.

Elites cannot tolerate this. They want him dead, so he can't achieve good things, but are also frightened by the that'll be released if he dies.

#julianassange #bitcoin #paypal #insuranceFiles

Last updated 4 years ago