Is this ChatGPT:
“This request was denied because you did not meet the following clinical requirements.
“The requested medication and/or diagnosis are not a covered benefit and excluded from coverage in accordance with the terms and conditions of your plan benefit. Therefore, the request has been administratively denied.
“The requested medication and/or diagnosis are not a covered benefit and are excluded from coverage in accordance with the terms and conditions of your plan benefit. Therefore, this request has been administratively denied.
“The reason(s) Optum Rx did not approve this medication can be found above. This denial is based on our Daytrana drug coverage policy, in addition to any supplementary information you or your prescriber may have submitted.”
This is an exact quote from a letter we received today, including the almost exactly repeated middle paragraphs. Nothing within the passage has been omitted.
There really is no there there.
#insuranceisascam #capitalismisevil #chatgptdanger
@themorrancave @ProPublica in one appeal, after asking “why do you even bother offering an appeals process if everything is always going to end in rejection??” the unitedhealth agent told me, “the appeals process is policy, probably some law, and at least you felt like you were doing something, didn’t you?” also, “it gave you something to do.” it was one of the most infuriating exchanges i’ve had with anyone in our #medical process
#medical #insurance #insuranceisascam
3/ #eldercare #caregiver things
all this said… i’m not sorry for calling the #nursing evaluator a c*nt for being dismissive abt my mother’s need of an in-home helper for bathing & dressing
like… she’s paid $550/quarterly for insurance coverage, for 30yrs ($66,000), but some simpleton lepton in an office will deny her $30/day ($10,950/yr) for a g-d damned barh??
#eldercare #Caregiver #nursing #insuranceisascam