L'AG de @SCOR d'hier a apporté quelques bonnes nouvelles : Thierry Léger a annoncé qu'il n'assurera plus de nouveaux champs gaziers. Cela ouvrira-t-il la voie à la fin de l'assurance pour tous les projets gaziers ? #InsureOurFuture
Hello @tonyenifer - when will @LloydsofLondon stop gambling with our lives? #StopFossilFuels #StopEACOP #InsureOurFuture #LloydsPeople
#stopfossilfuels #STOPEACOP #insureourfuture #lloydspeople
You know you want to
RT @InsOurFuture@twitter.com
📣 Come work with us!! 📣
We're hiring a Digital Campaign Associate to help us shift the insurance industry out of fossil fuels and #InsureOurFuture!
Read more about the position and apply here ➡️ https://app.beapplied.com/apply/g0sleflwwo
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/InsOurFuture/status/1618543791429898240
RT @PeterBosshard@twitter.com
“When [El Niño arrives], the extreme weather that has rampaged across our planet in 2021 and 2022 will pale into insignificance.” Time to #InsureOurFuture and stop underwriting fossil fuel expansion now, @LloydsofLondon@twitter.com? https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jan/16/return-of-el-nino-will-cause-off-the-chart-temperature-rise-climate-crisis?CMP=share_btn_tw
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PeterBosshard/status/1615246890030845953
RT @rk70534@twitter.com
Can 2023 be the year we stop the world's longest heated crude oil pipeline?
We've already made 22 insurers drop out of insuring EACOP. Let's pressure the others to make the right new year's resolution and #InsureOurFuture. Send their staff a message http://sumof.us/789982924t
Can 2023 be the year we stop the world's longest heated crude oil pipeline?
We've already made 22 insurers drop out of insuring EACOP. Let's pressure the others to make the right new year's resolution and #InsureOurFuture. Send their staff a message http://sumof.us/789982924t
RT @AndrewRose11@twitter.com
Can 2023 be the year we stop the world's longest heated crude oil pipeline?
We've already made 22 insurers drop out of insuring EACOP. Let's pressure the others to make the right new year's resolution and #InsureOurFuture. Send their staff a message http://sumof.us/789857456t
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AndrewRose11/status/1611336084343996416
This precedent-setting policy from HSBC sends a strong message to Lloyds Of London, who, like HSBC, has committed to net-zero goals.
Chairman of Lloyd’s of London, Bruce Carnegie Brown must turn words into action and stop insuring new oil & gas projects. #InsureOurFuture.
Stay connected in the fight to #InsureOurFuture, make sure you're subscribed to our newsletter! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Hi all. Thanks to those who set up and maintain Mastodon, and those adding their wit and insight. I hope to learn more about
#landback #decolonize #antiracist #blacklivesmatter #trc #mmiwg #undrip #freepalestine #degrowth #defund #ipcc #desubsidizecarbon #waterislife #wetsuweten #killthedrill #cuttheties #insureourfuture #rht1850 #stoptmx #loveandrage #streetsforpeople #completestreets #goodurbanism #sustainable
#Landback #decolonize #antiracist #blacklivesmatter #trc #mmiwg #undrip #freepalestine #degrowth #defund #ipcc #desubsidizecarbon #waterislife #wetsuweten #killthedrill #cuttheties #insureourfuture #rht1850 #stoptmx #loveandrage #StreetsForPeople #completestreets #goodurbanism #sustainable
🔥 Insurance is the Achilles heel of the insurance industry. The 2022 fossil fuel insurance scorecard report of the #InsureOurFuture campaign finds that new coal power plants have become uninsurable and that major insurers are now starting to shift away from oil and gas. You'll find the report, along with a ranking of 30 big insurers on their climate policies, at https://global.insure-our-future.com/scorecard/. 🔥
BREAKING 🔥#BBRe22 #badenbaden #reinsurance conference blocked for fossil fuel expansion complicity 🔥
Activists are blocking the global reinsurance summit & demanding that the industry stops fueling climate catastrophe. #InsureOurFuture #StopInsuringClimateChaos #CancelTheDebt
#BBRe22 #badenbaden #reinsurance #insureourfuture #StopInsuringClimateChaos #cancelthedebt
RT @urgewald
*Big Win!* @MunichRe schließt in Sachen Klima zu den führenden Versicherern auf: Förderung neuer Öl- & Gasfelder, neuer Ölinfrastruktur & neuer Ölkraftwerke wird ausgeschlossen! Beim Gas hätten wir uns mutigere Schritte gewünscht, da gibt es noch einiges zu tun! #InsureOurFuture https://twitter.com/InsOurFuture/status/1577991824236593154
Do it for the kids, Bruce! Tell @LloydsofLondon@twitter.com to immediately stop insuring fossil fuels. #InsureOurFuture, not climate crisis!
Check out the full @mothersriseup@twitter.com video: https://bit.ly/mothersflashmob
RT @mothersriseup@twitter.com
BREAKING: Dancers, parents & kids form flash mob 💃🏽🪁outside @LloydsofLondon@twitter.com to urge the insurer to stop enabling dangerous fossil fuels.
The Chair of Lloyd's Bruce Carnegie-Brown @BNCB@twitter.com and CEO John Neal must act for the sake of all kids!
#StopEACOP #StopTMX #InsureOurFuture
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/mothersriseup/status/1536302489707941889
#insureourfuture #stoptmx #STOPEACOP
RT @MucRebellion
We demand that @MunichRe immediately abandon primary insurance and reinsurance for oil and gas projects and an immediate exit from all investments in fossil fuels power generation! ✊
#InsureOurFuture #exitfossilfuelsnow #Muenchen #MunichReInsuresDestruction
#insureourfuture #exitfossilfuelsnow #muenchen #MunichReInsuresDestruction
RT @MucRebellion@twitter.com
We demand that @MunichRe@twitter.com immediately abandon primary insurance and reinsurance for oil and gas projects and an immediate exit from all investments in fossil fuels power generation! ✊
#InsureOurFuture #exitfossilfuelsnow #Muenchen #MunichReInsuresDestruction
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MucRebellion/status/1519537671189966848
#MunichReInsuresDestruction #muenchen #ExitFossilFuelsNow #insureourfuture
« todays announcement by @SwissRe deserves to be called #ClimateLeadership , congratulations! @Zurich when will you come up with concrete targets on how to achieve your climate commitment? #InsureOurFuture https://twitter.com/InsOurFuture/status/1371734239641800705 »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/droensovka/status/1371744279425642497
#climateleadership #insureourfuture
« With premium increases of 20-100% and only 5-10 carriers left, the lack of insurance and finance has become the #1 problem for North Dakota’s coal industry. #InsureOurFuture https://www.grandforksherald.com/business/energy-and-mining/6841755-Wall-Streets-climate-concerns-create-cloud-of-financial-uncertainty-for-North-Dakota-coal-country »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/PeterBosshard/status/1350310676942606344
« BREAKING: @LloydsOfLondon, which insurers 40% of the global energy market, today was the 25th insurer to adopt coal restrictions. You’ll find the #InsureOurFuture response at https://bit.ly/lloydsresponse. A few highlights and lowlights in this🧵. https://t.co/5olOfG8cIs »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/PeterBosshard/status/1339315780274417664