This article touches on several key reproducible techniques that the #CI #GangStalkers on #Meta #Facebook #Instagram #WhatsApp who have also migrated over to #Telegram & #Signal now use methodology wise to #TargetedIndividuals most notably by putting #SSM™ #StateSponsoredMalware that is off the shelf from the #UK, aka #GammaGroup's #FinFisher #FinSpy #Finsky which is used to infect and cause #Trillions of dollars of #FinancialCrime hiding behind their #ProxyServers to #HideTheirLocation .
This is a common tactic for spreading #disinformation and #CharacterAssasination via #FakeProfiles posing as the target, the #TargetedIndividual perpitrated by #CI's #WhiteListedCriminals & #Pedophiles in #CounterIntelligence.
#ci #gangstalkers #meta #facebook #instagram #whatsapp #telegram #signal #TargetedIndividuals #ssm #statesponsoredmalware #uk #gammagroup #finfisher #finspy #Finsky #trillions #financialcrime #proxyservers #hidetheirlocation #disinformation #characterassasination #fakeprofiles #targetedindividual #whitelistedcriminals #pedophiles #counterintelligence #insurrectionday #jan6th2021 #CapitolRiots
January 6th is a reminder that there is nothing guaranteed about our #democracy. We all have to earn it, defend it, and protect it — President Joe Biden #quote #TrumpCoupAttempt #Republicans #ChaosCaucus #InsurrectionDay
#democracy #quote #trumpcoupattempt #republicans #chaoscaucus #insurrectionday
If anyone is in the slightest doubt as to what a monumental PoS the #MuakRat is look at who he chose to reinstate on the BirdSite *on #Jan6 - #InsurrectionDay* (and don't forget his brother was in the Pentagon helping Trump by delaying deployment of the National Guard to defend the Capitol building)
#muakrat #Jan6 #insurrectionday
This article touches on several key reproducible techniques that the #CI #GangStalkers on #Meta #Facebook #Instagram #WhatsApp who have also migrated over to #Telegram & #Signal now use methodology wise to #TargetedIndividuals most notably by putting #SSM™ #StateSponsoredMalware that is off the shelf from the #UK, aka #GammaGroup's #FinFisher #FinSpy #Finsky which is used to infect and cause #Trillions of dollars of #FinancialCrime hiding behind their #PeoxyServers to #HideTheirLocation .
This is a common tactic for spreading #disinformation and #CharacterAssasination via #FakeProfiles posing as the target, the #TargetedIndividual perpitrated by #CI's #WhiteListedCriminals & #Pedophiles in #CounterIntelligence.
#ci #gangstalkers #meta #facebook #instagram #whatsapp #telegram #signal #TargetedIndividuals #ssm #statesponsoredmalware #uk #gammagroup #finfisher #finspy #Finsky #trillions #financialcrime #peoxyservers #hidetheirlocation #disinformation #characterassasination #fakeprofiles #targetedindividual #whitelistedcriminals #pedophiles #counterintelligence #insurrectionday #jan6th2021 #CapitolRiots
The #KuKlutzKlan plan to block the selection of a #HouseSpeaker is the #CoupWeNeverKnew ! #MerrickGarbage #Jan6 #InsurrectionDay
#kuklutzklan #housespeaker #coupweneverknew #merrickgarbage #jan6 #insurrectionday
Happy Insurrection Day America! #InsurrectionDay #insurrection6jan
#insurrection6jan #insurrectionday
“True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country.” - Kurt Vonnegut
Republican traitors attempted to overthrow the US government two years ago today. #InsurrectionDay #NeverForget
Happy Insurrection Day, everybody! I'll be commemorating the occasion by feeling fortunate that the attempted coup was unsuccessful and reflecting on the important role Christian nationalism played in motivating it. Sadly, the threat to democracy remains.
#InsurrectionDay #insurrection #Jan6 #ChristianNationalism #democracy #coup
#insurrectionday #insurrection #JAN6 #ChristianNationalism #democracy #coup