Sikkim governor Laxman Acharya emphasised that it’s every individual’s responsibility within society to ensure that disabled individuals can avail the benefits of these social welfare programs.
#Sikkim #Int’lDivyangFilmFestival
Fraunhofer-Technologie im Weltall: Start des Heinrich-Hertz-Satelliten
Am INT entwickelter On-board Radiation Sensor #FORS kommt zum Einsatz. Sensoren messen intensive Strahlenereignisse im Orbit, um strahlungsempfindliche Bauteile des Satelliten je nach Strahlungsniveau zu schützen. Messungen sollen dazu beitragen, besseres Verständnis für Strahlungsumgebung der Satellitentechnik unter realen Bedingungen zu bekommen. Pressemitteilung #INT.
ICAO: #A47E31
Flt: #N389RA #INT-#TEB
First seen: 2023/06/30 07:00:37
Min Alt: 4600 ft MSL
Min Dist: 1.73 nm
Peak Audio: -62 dBFS
Loudness: 1 dB
#planefence #adsb -
#a47e31 #n389ra #int #teb #planefence #adsb
Myanmar burns over 446.05 mln USD worth of narcotic drugs, showcasing its resolution to address drug problem obstructing the country's development efforts #Int'lDayagainstDrugAbuse&IllicitTrafficking
ICAO: #A47E31
Flt: #N389RA #INT-#TEB
First seen: 2023/05/03 13:10:46
Min Alt: 4300 ft MSL
Min Dist: 0.91 nm
#planefence #adsb -
#a47e31 #n389ra #int #teb #planefence #adsb
La resistenza è donna! Intervista a Benedetta Tobagi #resistenzaalnazifascismo #Secondaguerramondiale #antifascismo #femminismo #2022-2023 #memoria #Int
#resistenzaalnazifascismo #secondaguerramondiale #antifascismo #femminismo #memoria #int
Tra fantasy e Resistenza: dialogo con Francesca Tacchi #antifascismo #letteratura #Resistenza #2022-2023 #Puntate #fantasy #Italia #Int
#antifascismo #letteratura #resistenza #Puntate #fantasy #italia #int
Nina e le tabacchine della Manifattura di Lanciano: storie di donne di Simona Baldelli autrice de “Il Pozzo delle bambole” #movimentooperaio #classeoperaia #storiedidonne #anniSessanta #adolescenza #letteratura #rivoluzione #Sessantotto #2022-2023 #infanzia #Puntate #Abruzzo #romanzo #Int
#movimentooperaio #classeoperaia #StoriediDonne #annisessanta #adolescenza #letteratura #rivoluzione #sessantotto #infanzia #Puntate #abruzzo #romanzo #int
1923-2023: cento anni di Repubblica Turca #MustafaKemal #2022-2023 #elezioni #Ataturk #Erdogan #Turchia #Int
#mustafakemal #elezioni #ataturk #erdogan #turchia #int
Letteratura e femminismo: chiacchierata con Viola Ardone #MatrimonioRiparatore #storiadelledonne #violenzadigenere #anniSessanta #violaardone #femminismo #scrittrici #2022-2023 #romanzi #Int
#matrimonioriparatore #storiadelledonne #violenzadigenere #annisessanta #violaardone #femminismo #scrittrici #romanzi #int
ICAO: #A47E31
First seen: 2023/03/11 10:43:19
Min Alt: 3800 ft MSL
Min Dist: 0.54 nm
#planefence #adsb -
#a47e31 #n389ra #easternairexpress #int #teb #planefence #adsb
Learnings from microcontrollers and #DOS:
Native #C types like #int and "unsigned" are the best choice for graphics coordinates in portable code.
I started with "int32_t", but in small 16-bit environments (with 320 x 200 pixel displays) a 32-bit integer is just inefficient.
As "int" is growing with the platform, it provides fast 16-bit numbers for small devices and 32 bit or more capacity on modern environments without any kind of "ifdef".
As March 8 marks Int'l Women's Day, we want to honor some of China's outstanding female figures. In devoting themselves to the work they love, the extraordinary achievements of these women have inspired hundreds of millions...
Tu Youyou (1/6)
Tu won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her discovery of artemisinin as a treatment for malaria.
#Int'l Women's Day
“Non bastava aver del pane per essere felici” Storia di Maria Giudice #storiadelledonne #mariagiudice #sindacalismo #femminismo #interviste #2022-2023 #Int #x
#storiadelledonne #mariagiudice #sindacalismo #femminismo #interviste #int #x
RT @BloombergLive: POLL: What’s most important to top management when it comes to new technology projects? (Proudly Sponsored By @IBM) #Int…
Zona A-Zona B: la questione di Trieste e la Jugoslavia #esodogiuliano-dalmata #Secondaguerramondiale #jugoslavia #2022-2023 #alleati #memoria #trieste #Int
#esodogiuliano #secondaguerramondiale #jugoslavia #alleati #memoria #trieste #int
😡 SpaceX limits Ukraine’s military use of Starlink satellites.
one US oligarch who got too powerful is blackmailing a country of 40 million fully exposed to a war of extermination run by a crazy Russian maniac.
many Ukrainian soldiers died last few days because one rich clown is striving for more money & power
(#UAV) surveillance is more than just needed - it's critical in this war
#war #ukraine #news
#UkraineWarNews #osint #int
#int #osint #UkraineWarNews #UkraineRussiaWar #News #Ukraine #War #uav
ICAO: #A47E31
First seen: 2023/02/05 15:41:56
Min Alt: 3800 ft MSL
Min Dist: 0.47 nm
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
#a47e31 #n389ra #easternairexpress #int #teb
ICAO: #A47E31
First seen: 2023/01/22 13:26:56
Min Alt: 4600 ft MSL
Min Dist: 1.74 nm
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
#a47e31 #n389ra #easternairexpress #int #teb