Br3akp0int · @Br3akp0int
44 followers · 15 posts · Server

interesting command from wiper to clear pagecache and reboot the system by using kernel system request.

#awfulshred #malware #reverseengineering #int3 #blueteam #detect_and_response

Last updated 2 years ago

Br3akp0int · @Br3akp0int
36 followers · 14 posts · Server

been seeing a bat-crypter being used by and other malware as a loader. so might be this analysis and my simple python script to extract the enc payload on that .bat file might help. 😊 1/4

2/4 the .bat crypter create a series of env variable containing a string that will be concatenated to generate the powershell that will decode, decrypt and load the actual payload. we can dump pwh in process or just exploit the technique by simple 'echo' 😊

3/4 upon running the modified .bat it will dump the pwh that will decode, decrypt (aes) and decompress the actual payload. you can either modified the actual powershell or use cyber chef to decrypt the actual payload.

4/4 doing it 1 by 1 might be exhausting, so I creates a simple python script (shared above) to automatically decrypt and extract the payload from this bat-crypter loader. (specifically designed for this bat-crypter format) it also generate dbg log.

#AsyncRAT #redline #dcrat #int3 #malwareanalysis

Last updated 2 years ago

Br3akp0int · @Br3akp0int
14 followers · 3 posts · Server

trying to learn tool. :) this tool is awesome

good starting example is decoding simple string obfuscation of

#formbook #int3 #malwareanalysis #reverseengineering

Last updated 2 years ago

Br3akp0int · @Br3akp0int
33 followers · 12 posts · Server

trying to learn tool. :) this tool is awesome

good starting example is decoding simple string obfuscation of

#formbook #int3 #malwareanalysis #reverseengineering

Last updated 2 years ago

Br3akp0int · @Br3akp0int
3 followers · 1 posts · Server

Sharing blog related to malware analysis and detections. In this article we include some tip how you can use fakesmtp server to see the exfiltrated data in attacker side. 😀

1. modify smtp setup, disable smtp SSL

2. then setup your fake or dummy smtp server. In this analysis I use this great tool .

after the setup, you have the attacker's view as it sends the screenshot, keylogs and browser databases/info (in .zip) to your fake smtp.

for analytics here is the link of the analytic story

#strt #agenttesla #smtpdev #splunk #malware #int3 #reverseengineering #blueteam #cybersecurity #incidentresponse

Last updated 2 years ago

Br3akp0int · @Br3akp0int
33 followers · 12 posts · Server

Sharing blog related to malware analysis and detections. In this article we include some tip how you can use fakesmtp server to see the exfiltrated data in attacker side. 😀

1. modify smtp setup, disable smtp SSL

2. then setup your fake or dummy smtp server. In this analysis I use this great tool .

after the setup, you have the attacker's view as it sends the screenshot, keylogs and browser databases/info (in .zip) to your fake smtp.

for analytics here is the link of the analytic story

#strt #agenttesla #smtpdev #splunk #malware #int3 #reverseengineering #blueteam #cybersecurity #incidentresponse

Last updated 2 years ago