Rémi Eismann · @decompwlj
149 followers · 496 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz
Rémi Eismann · @decompwlj
147 followers · 491 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz
Rémi Eismann · @decompwlj
147 followers · 489 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

The decomposition into weight × level + jump of natural numbers is the fundamental theorem of arithmetic ; applied to prime numbers, it leads to a new classification of primes

1000 sequences decomposed with 3D graphs (threejs webGL), 2D graphs - CSV, dump, img to download

➡️ OEISWiki page: Decomposition into weight × level + jump : oeis.org/wiki/Decomposition_in
➡️ arXiv:0711.0865 [math.NT]: Decomposition into weight * level + jump and application to a new classification of primes: arxiv.org/abs/0711.0865

#fundamentaltheoremofarithmetic #decomposition #integer #math #webgl #threejs #oeis #graphs #numbertheory #arithmetic #classification #primenumbers #primes #mathematics #theory #3d #sieve #graph #numbers #sequences #maths #decompwlj

Last updated 1 year ago

Rémi Eismann · @decompwlj
147 followers · 486 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz
Rémi Eismann · @decompwlj
147 followers · 482 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz
Rémi Eismann · @decompwlj
147 followers · 481 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz
Rémi Eismann · @decompwlj
147 followers · 481 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

The decomposition into weight × level + jump of natural numbers is the fundamental theorem of arithmetic ; applied to prime numbers, it leads to a new classification of primes

1000 sequences decomposed with 3D graphs (threejs webGL), 2D graphs - CSV, dump, img to download

➡️ OEISWiki page: Decomposition into weight × level + jump : oeis.org/wiki/Decomposition_in
➡️ arXiv:0711.0865 [math.NT]: Decomposition into weight * level + jump and application to a new classification of primes: arxiv.org/abs/0711.0865

#decomposition #integer #math #webgl #threejs #oeis #graphs #numbertheory #arithmetic #classification #primenumbers #primes #mathematics #theory #3d #sieve #graph #numbers #sequences #maths #decompwlj

Last updated 1 year ago

Rémi Eismann · @decompwlj
146 followers · 477 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz
Rémi Eismann · @decompwlj
146 followers · 477 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

The decomposition into weight × level + jump of natural numbers is the fundamental theorem of arithmetic ; applied to prime numbers, it leads to a new classification of primes

➡️ OEISWiki page: Decomposition into weight × level + jump : oeis.org/wiki/Decomposition_in
➡️ arXiv:0711.0865 [math.NT]: Decomposition into weight * level + jump and application to a new classification of primes: arxiv.org/abs/0711.0865

#decomposition #integer #math #webgl #threejs #oeis #graphs #numbertheory #arithmetic #classification #primenumbers #primes #mathematics #theory #3d #sieve #graph #numbers #sequences #maths #decompwlj

Last updated 1 year ago

Rémi Eismann · @decompwlj
146 followers · 477 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

The decomposition into weight × level + jump of natural numbers is the fundamental theorem of arithmetic ; applied to prime numbers, it leads to a new classification of primes

➡️ OEISWiki page: Decomposition into weight × level + jump : oeis.org/wiki/Decomposition_in
➡️ arXiv:0711.0865 [math.NT]: Decomposition into weight * level + jump and application to a new classification of primes: arxiv.org/abs/0711.0865

#decomposition #integer #math #webgl #threejs #oeis #graphs #numbertheory #arithmetic #classification #primenumbers #primes #mathematics #theory #3d #sieve #graph #numbers #sequences #maths #decompwlj

Last updated 1 year ago

Raccoon at TechHub :mastodon: · @Raccoon
114 followers · 897 posts · Server techhub.social

Randomly thinking about when the size if a in a , though I guess it could be used for any in .

If you know how big the largest number you're going to have to keep track of is, you can cut down on the size of the integer by choosing a number of bits that's just big enough to fit that... But there are ways you can get really screwy with this.

For example, you could choose a number that isn't the standard 8, 16, 32, 64 by going above that and using the extra bits as flags or something, like making it 24-bit and using the last 8 bits as another byte. Or you could lower the granularity, and multiply the value of whatever the number is to get bigger numbers at the expense of numbers not divisible by that.

The issue with thinking of this however is that we are talking a handful of bytes in what could be megabytes, so less than 0.1% of the byte size...


#bikeshedding #programming #filesize #integer #fileformat #datastructures #computerscience

Last updated 1 year ago

Rémi Eismann · @decompwlj
145 followers · 455 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

The decomposition into weight × level + jump of natural numbers is the fundamental theorem of arithmetic ; applied to prime numbers, it leads to a new classification of primes

➡️ OEISWiki page: Decomposition into weight × level + jump : oeis.org/wiki/Decomposition_in
➡️ arXiv:0711.0865 [math.NT]: Decomposition into weight * level + jump and application to a new classification of primes: arxiv.org/abs/0711.0865

#decomposition #integer #math #webgl #threejs #oeis #graphs #numbertheory #arithmetic #classification #primenumbers #primes #mathematics #theory #3d #sieve #graph #numbers #sequences #maths #decompwlj

Last updated 1 year ago

Rémi Eismann · @decompwlj
145 followers · 454 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz
Rémi Eismann · @decompwlj
145 followers · 454 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

My work is highly reproducible!

My data have not been verified, you can download a complete dump of my database (.sql.zip, ~105 MB, central table “sequences” and 1 table per sequence), all CSV files (.zip, ~73 MB, 1000 .csv) and all images (.zip, ~40 MB, 1002 .jpg, 2 .gif) ➡️ decompwlj.com

Algorithms (PARI/GP) ➡️ oeis.org/wiki/Decomposition_in

#graphs #equation #theory #numbers #arithmetic #decomposition #integer #webgl #threejs #primes #classification #3d #graph #php #javascript #primenumbers #numbertheory #oeis #sequences #mathematics #maths #math #fundamentaltheoremofarithmetic #decompwlj

Last updated 1 year ago

Rémi Eismann · @decompwlj
143 followers · 440 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

My work is highly reproducible!

My data have not been verified, you can download a complete dump of my database (.sql.zip, ~105 MB, central table “sequences” and 1 table per sequence), all CSV files (.zip, ~73 MB, 1000 .csv) and all images (.zip, ~40 MB, 1002 .jpg, 2 .gif) ➡️ decompwlj.com

Algorithms (PARI/GP) ➡️ oeis.org/wiki/Decomposition_in

#graphs #equation #theory #numbers #arithmetic #decomposition #integer #webgl #threejs #primes #classification #3d #graph #php #javascript #primenumbers #numbertheory #oeis #sequences #mathematics #maths #math #fundamentaltheoremofarithmetic #decompwlj

Last updated 1 year ago

Rémi Eismann · @decompwlj
143 followers · 439 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz
Rémi Eismann · @decompwlj
143 followers · 430 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz
Rémi Eismann · @decompwlj
142 followers · 427 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz
Rémi Eismann · @decompwlj
142 followers · 421 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz
Rémi Eismann · @decompwlj
142 followers · 418 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

The decomposition into weight × level + jump of natural numbers is the fundamental theorem of arithmetic ; applied to prime numbers, it leads to a new classification of primes

➡️ OEISWiki page: Decomposition into weight × level + jump : oeis.org/wiki/Decomposition_in
➡️ arXiv:0711.0865 [math.NT]: Decomposition into weight * level + jump and application to a new classification of primes: arxiv.org/abs/0711.0865

#decomposition #integer #math #webgl #threejs #oeis #graphs #numbertheory #arithmetic #classification #primenumbers #primes #mathematics #theory #3d #sieve #graph #numbers #sequences #maths #decompwlj

Last updated 1 year ago