8月30日(水)-31日(木)に、電気化学会電子材料委員会が『第87回半導体・集積回路技術シンポジウム』を開催。東京都新宿区・東京理科大学とオンラインにて。案内は https://semicon.electrochem.jp/page/87 、詳細は https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/pigeon-web/labby/froala/Y2xpZW50-99-64b88703e3c76.pdf に。
#Symposium #Semiconductor #IntegratedCircuits
#symposium #semiconductor #integratedcircuits
Exclusive: Letter from prison: South Korean chip exec denies stealing Samsung data for China factory
#China #Chip #Electronics #Engineering #Espionage #IntegratedCircuits #Korea #Samsung #Semiconductor
#semiconductor #samsung #korea #integratedcircuits #espionage #engineering #electronics #chip #China
History of computing: From Abacus to quantum computers - Journey through time and witness the remarkable advancements that... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/history-of-computing-from-abacus-to-quantum-computers #mechanicalcalculators #vacuumtubecomputers #historyofcomputing #tabulatingmachines #integratedcircuits #personalcomputers #analyticalengine #worldwideweb #transistors #internet #abacus
#abacus #internet #transistors #worldwideweb #analyticalengine #personalcomputers #integratedcircuits #tabulatingmachines #historyofcomputing #vacuumtubecomputers #mechanicalcalculators
Kotaku: The Last Of Us Part 1's PC Port Isn't In Great Shape https://kotaku.com/the-last-of-us-pc-port-steam-performance-reviews-ps5-1850276276 #gaming #tech #kotaku #sonyinteractiveentertainment #graphicsprocessingunit #homevideogameconsoles #technology2cinternet #integratedcircuits #videogameconsoles #invideogaming #playstation #naughtydog #computing #videoram
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #sonyinteractiveentertainment #graphicsprocessingunit #homevideogameconsoles #technology2cinternet #integratedcircuits #videogameconsoles #invideogaming #playstation #NaughtyDog #computing #videoram
That feel when you open Kicad, spend ages drawing out a schematic, spend even longer trying to layout the PCB and traces only to find out that you can’t seem to do it…
I’m thinking next time I’ll lay out out with individual components rather than grouped ICs i.e. I was using an ic with 8 AND gates in it, maybe I should try individual components or smaller ics so I can lay them out better… either that or I need to get better with PCBnew…
#integratedcircuits #fail #pcbdesign #kicad
Andrew 'Bunnie' Huang on his latest work: getting much of a Secure Element (SE) chip design to be open source.
"“Secure Element” (SE) chips have traditionally taken a very closed-source, NDA-heavy approach. [...] This blog post explains my reasoning for agreeing to advise Cramium, and what I hope to accomplish in the future."
#Security #Hardware #Software #Chips #IntegratedCircuits #OpenSource #OpenHardware
#security #hardware #software #chips #integratedcircuits #opensource #openhardware
ok, got a far better image from my work's binocular. Sadly I also broke the die during transport...
Now I need to learn to identify what I see
#electronics #IntegratedCircuits #silicium
#electronics #integratedcircuits #silicium
Wonderful. Not really retro-computing, but in the same mould.
"With a collection of salvaged and homemade equipment, Zeloof produced a chip with 1,200 transistors."
#Computers #IntegratedCircuits #Manufacturing #Engineering
#computers #integratedcircuits #manufacturing #engineering
Ken Shirriff how those (irritating?) musical greeting cards work.
"For the holidays, I decapped a chip that plays three Christmas melodies. The UM66T melody chip from the 1980s was designed for applications such as greeting cards and toys. It looks like a transistor, but when connected to a battery and speaker it plays music."
#technology #integratedcircuits #engineering
A look at how analog multiplier ICs work. Tricky. Reverse engineered by Ken Shirriff.
#Technology #IntegratedCircuits #ReverseEngineering #AnalogCircuits
#technology #integratedcircuits #AnalogCircuits #reverseengineering
A very nice post by Ken Shirriff on the first FPGA.
"The FPGA was invented by Ross Freeman who co-founded Xilinx in 1984 and introduced the first FPGA, the XC2064. [...] I reverse-engineered Xilinx's XC2064, and in this blog post I explain its internal circuitry (above) and how a "bitstream" programs it.""
#fpga #reverseengineering #history #integratedcircuits
Fun. Glad I still remember enough about basic electronics to know how NPN / PNP transistors, current mirrors, etc. works. 🙂
"In this blog post, I reverse-engineer this chip from die photos and explain how it works. It's essentially three power op-amps with some interesting circuitry inside."
#ReverseEngineering #Electronics #Circuits #IntegratedCircuits #Nintendo #GameBoyColor #Technology #Engineering
#engineering #reverseengineering #electronics #circuits #integratedcircuits #nintendo #gameboycolor #technology
Ken Shirriff gives an interesting look inside the digital clock from a Soyuz spacecraft.
#Technology #Engineering #IntegratedCircuits #Electronics #History
#engineering #integratedcircuits #technology #electronics #history
Fun. Now in SMT format. 🙂
"Today we are pleased to announce the release of two new soldering kits: the 555SE discrete 555 timer and the 741SE discrete op-amp.
Both of these new kits are surface mount soldering kits — our first surface mount soldering kits — and we think that you’re going to love them."
#technology #electronics #engineering #integratedcircuits
A cool Hackaday video featuring Ken Shirriff on decapping chips.
#Hackaday #KenShirriff #Decapping #ReverseEngineering #Engineering #Technology #IntegratedCircuits
#hackaday #kenshirriff #decapping #reverseengineering #engineering #technology #integratedcircuits