EmysR annual meeting : Grażyna Chaberek presenting the achievements of WP4 « Developing an #integrative socio-ecological approach for testing #participatory processes in multi-#stakeholder decision settings » for promoting #people engagement #ForNature
#integrative #participatory #stakeholder #people #ForNature
Would you like to be a part of AE Yui Suzuki's special issue?
The goal of this issue is to create a compilation of articles that approach #organismal development from an #integrative perspective.
#science #biology #phd #academia #ecology #morphology #fish #plants #botany
#organismal #integrative #science #biology #phd #academia #ecology #morphology #fish #plants #botany
(@luna_le) RT by @sfr_ev: #Sächsische Aufbaubank zahlt Fördermittel für #Integrative Maßnahmen nicht rechtzeitig aus – das gefährdet Integrationsarbeit und Träger, deren Arbeit Garant eines funktionierenden Gemeinwesens ist.
https://www.linksfraktionsachsen.de/presse/detail/juliane-nagel-sab-zahlt-foerdermittel-fuer-integrative-massnahmen-nicht-rechtzeitig-aus-das-gefaehrdet-integrationsarbeit-und-traeger/ http://bird.trom.tf/luna_le/status/1634173909728649216#m
RT @Linda_E_Carlson
Super happy this comprehensive review paper on #Psychosocial and #Integrative #Oncology I wrote for @AnnualReviews is out in final form - open access!!
Get it here: https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/full/10.1146/annurev-psych-032620-031757
#psychosocial #integrative #oncology
Kicking off the new year by cleansing your body with a detox diet? — A dietitian unpacks the science behind these fads
"Research shows that there is little evidence to support the use of detox diets and that they are not needed anyway. The body is well-equipped to eliminate unwanted substances on its own, without expensive and potentially harmful supplements sold by the nutrition and wellness industry."
#detox #alternative #integrative #diet #Supplements
@MilekPl I couldn't resist reading your [recent BBS response](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/behavioral-and-brain-sciences/article/abs/without-more-theory-psychology-will-be-a-headless-rider/D587D593ED919CB32ED137894FF39CC3) . "it is also necessary to strengthen theorizing and work toward consistently incorporating theoretical results into experimental research. Without that, psychology will be a headless rider doomed to face ever new crises." Hear!hear! With colleagues I'm currently doing that re the human #sleep onset control system, approaching it from an #integrative design-oriented perspective https://cogzest.com/projects/a-manifesto-for-integrative-design-oriented-cognitive-science-and-ai/ noteasy
Novel #integrative elements and genomic #plasticity in ocean ecosystems:
#Tycheposons are novel DNA #transposons promoting genomic adaptation in marine bacteria
#transposons #tycheposons #plasticity #integrative
Novel #integrative elements and genomic #plasticity in ocean ecosystems: Cell
An overview of #integrative #assessments of the 2021 summer #flood in Central Europe is necessary to take appropriate measures to reduce consequences and impacts of extreme flood in future. Read the editorial by our colleagues: https://link.springer.com/epdf/10.1186/s12302-022-00685-1?sharing_token=RIqeiUGEvajBYdQ36Sl2h2_BpE1tBhCbnbw3BuzI2RPaZ6GypLZ6sToKDzpy4zgi51aPzCbxvK7dMCp8lOwj682G_i-B3uhk5zcDFdx48iJPR1f1H7cMstw2K_i0npL24x3J9V2jQ05_EkHhq1rCejOOaVAOWWFUit5fpNMNGas= @goetheuni@twitter.com @RWTH@twitter.com
#integrative #assessments #flood
Hello Mastodon crowd, quick #introduction!
I'm an #integrative #transdisciplinary #fisheries scientist with two feline assistants (pictured).
Research in #fish population dynamics, fisheries management, fisheries enhancement and restoration, #aquaculture, #humandimensions.
Putting all that together and working with stakeholders to improve fisheries one step at a time.
Springer Fish and Fisheries book series editor. Write more good fisheries books, people!
#humandimensions #aquaculture #fish #fisheries #transdisciplinary #integrative #Introduction
Ich habe eine Frage, die mich dieser Tage sehr beschäftigt. Bitte um rege Beteiligung und Boost.
Wie sollte eine #pluralistische, #integrative #Gesellschaft handeln?
#pluralistische #integrative #gesellschaft
Sie hat mich für zu #behindert gehalten, als das man mich normal behandeln könnte. Ich frage mich, was sie an so einer Schule wollte denn es war eine #integrative #Waldorfschule . Neben dem #mobbing durch meine Klassenkamerad*innen hat auch sie dafür gesorgt das ich Jahrelang komplexe wegen meiner #behinderungen hatte. Danke Frau B. 🖕
#behindert #integrative #waldorfschule #mobbing #behinderungen