Per la nostra rubrica #retro parliamo di #Book8088, un portatile #XT basato su #Intel8088 che potete comprare nuovo oggi. La grande domanda è: ma dovreste? Analizziamo un po' di dati
#laptop #IBMPC #MSDOS
#retro #book8088 #xt #intel8088 #laptop #IBMPC #msdos
This is a fascinating writeup of the BOOK 8088 - a modern mini laptop with a decades-old Intel 8088 processor. It would have been a dream in 1981. Today it's a frustrating mess. But still kind of awesome.
#intel8088 #book8088 #minilaptop #retrocomputing
Going deep with the Book 8088, the brand-new laptop that runs like it’s 1981 - Enlarge / The Book 8088, a strange homebrewed curio that recalls the ea... - #retrocomputing #ms-dosgaming #windows3.0 #intel8088 #features #book8088 #freedos #gaming #ms-dos #tech
#tech #gaming #freedos #book8088 #features #intel8088 #windows3 #ms #retrocomputing
Ars Technica: Going deep with the Book 8088, the brand-new laptop that runs like it’s 1981 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #retrocomputing #ms-dosgaming #Windows3.0 #Intel8088 #Features #book8088 #freedos #Gaming #MS-DOS #Tech
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #retrocomputing #ms #Windows3 #intel8088 #features #book8088 #freedos #Gaming
Weird AliExpress laptop with Intel 8088 CPU will take you back to the MS-DOS era - The "Book 8088" la... - #intel8088 #ms-dos #tech
Ars Technica: Weird AliExpress laptop with Intel 8088 CPU will take you back to the MS-DOS era #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #Intel8088 #MS-DOS #Tech
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #intel8088 #ms
Past meets present in this $200 mini-laptop with a Intel 8088 chip and 640KB of memory, capable of running DOS 6.22 and Windows 3.0.
#retrocomputing #intel8088 #minilaptop #liliputing
#8088cpu #Wildcard88 #XTpc #retropc #intel8088 #wildcard88n
I always respect and appreciate Sergey's Projects. Built a Wildcard 88 motherboard. It works fine on VGA, but I get memory errors on MDA(HGC),CGA. I want to solve this. Can someone give me some ideas?
#8088cpu #wildcard88 #xtpc #retropc #intel8088 #wildcard88n
PC-RETRO Motherboard Kit: IBM Clone Computer #retrocomputing #intel8088 #DIY
#retrocomputing #intel8088 #diy