· @artfulrobot
82 followers · 453 posts · Server fosstodon.org

@dantleech @phpactor

I've set up with (p) and another with (i) I used Mason to install each.

What I noticed:

- The calculated root_dir fails for (p); it uses PWD

- BOTH give me signature help and completions (p) is slower and seems to crash on providing signatures for completion.

- BOTH let me jump to definition, though (i) is noticeably faster at this.

- Far fewer diagnostics from phpactor (no static analysis? Perhaps I need to add PHPStan as well?)

#neovim #phpactor #intelephense

Last updated 1 year ago

· @artfulrobot
82 followers · 436 posts · Server fosstodon.org

I use as plugin in but I think @phpactor has some features it doesn't.

I tried it once before and can't recall why I went back to just intelephense. Possibly CPU/memory limitations.

Can anyone offer a comparison? Perhaps you use them both at once? How does that work out?

#intelephense #lsp #neovim

Last updated 1 year ago

· @artfulrobot
82 followers · 405 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Trying out , coming from

There's some stuff that looks awesome (multiple cursors, select-within-selection). Some changes will be frustrating due to muscle memory. Some stuff is missing.

At mo, having problems getting helix to recognise that the for is actually installed on the system...

Also I've installed as a flatpak and am annoyed I can't type `hx` but have to do `flatpak run com.helix_editor.Helix` (I can alias it, but I need to learn why I need to!)

#helix #neovim #lsp #intelephense #php

Last updated 1 year ago

Sergio Scabuzzo (EcoTechie) · @Sergio
106 followers · 270 posts · Server fosstodon.org

I wanted to test some issues I was having with and core functions. So what do I do? Install and spend most of the weekend trying to understand/configure it so I can use vim there...

#vim #intelephense #wordpress #nixos

Last updated 2 years ago

len · @len
5 followers · 8 posts · Server kampa.si

@len@toot.si 🆗 some follow ups - this time successful.

After investigating log in I've noticed that it is loading from node v14.1 that's installed with version manager and not from v16.9 which is the current one. So no matter what I did with I wasn't even using the right version or maybe the version was right but it was running on an old version of node, whatever.

Command "$HOME/.local/bin/phpactor language-server" is present on the path.
Command "$HOME/.nvm/versions/node/v14.1.0/bin/intelephense --stdio" is present on the path.

So I've unlinked this version and now I have the autocomplete in mode running.

It was a long journey and I'm kind of missing a feeling of accomplishment since the time was only spent to set up to properly work for my reporting project. Now I have to start working on the project itself and I'm already getting kind of tired.

#lsp #spacemacs #intelephense #node #npm #php #ide #emacs

Last updated 2 years ago

Len :tootsie: · @len
478 followers · 2243 posts · Server toot.si

🆗 some follow ups. I've uninstalled the npm package and I'm now connecting to provided by installed globally.

Sadly I wasn't able to use felixfbecker/language-server (as described in docs) since it's development is discontinued and it is not compatible.


I'm still missing completion and probably some other functionalities I'm unaware of.

If only I'd find & fix the intelephense issue 🙏 .

#intelephense #lsp #phpactor #php8

Last updated 2 years ago