I've set up #neovim with #phpactor (p) and another with #intelephense (i) I used Mason to install each.
What I noticed:
- The calculated root_dir fails for (p); it uses PWD
- BOTH give me signature help and completions (p) is slower and seems to crash on providing signatures for completion.
- BOTH let me jump to definition, though (i) is noticeably faster at this.
- Far fewer diagnostics from phpactor (no static analysis? Perhaps I need to add PHPStan as well?)
#neovim #phpactor #intelephense
I use #intelephense as #lsp plugin in #neovim but I think @phpactor has some features it doesn't.
I tried it once before and can't recall why I went back to just intelephense. Possibly CPU/memory limitations.
Can anyone offer a comparison? Perhaps you use them both at once? How does that work out?
Trying out #helix, coming from #neovim
There's some stuff that looks awesome (multiple cursors, select-within-selection). Some changes will be frustrating due to muscle memory. Some stuff is missing.
At mo, having problems getting helix to recognise that the #lsp #intelephense for #php is actually installed on the system...
Also I've installed as a flatpak and am annoyed I can't type `hx` but have to do `flatpak run com.helix_editor.Helix` (I can alias it, but I need to learn why I need to!)
#helix #neovim #lsp #intelephense #php
I wanted to test some #vim issues I was having with #intelephense and #WordPress core functions. So what do I do? Install #NixOS and spend most of the weekend trying to understand/configure it so I can use vim there...
#vim #intelephense #wordpress #nixos
@len@toot.si 🆗 some follow ups - this time successful.
After investigating #lsp log in #spacemacs I've noticed that it is loading #intelephense from node v14.1 that's installed with #node version manager and not from v16.9 which is the current one. So no matter what I did with #npm I wasn't even using the right #intelephense version or maybe the version was right but it was running on an old version of node, whatever.
Command "$HOME/.local/bin/phpactor language-server" is present on the path.
Command "$HOME/.nvm/versions/node/v14.1.0/bin/intelephense --stdio" is present on the path.
So I've unlinked this version and now I have the autocomplete in #php mode running.
It was a long journey and I'm kind of missing a feeling of accomplishment since the time was only spent to set up #ide to properly work for my reporting project. Now I have to start working on the project itself and I'm already getting kind of tired.
#lsp #spacemacs #intelephense #node #npm #php #ide #emacs
🆗 some follow ups. I've uninstalled the #intelephense npm package and I'm now connecting to #lsp provided by #phpactor installed globally.
Sadly I wasn't able to use felixfbecker/language-server (as described in docs) since it's development is discontinued and it is not #php8 compatible.
I'm still missing completion and probably some other functionalities I'm unaware of.
If only I'd find & fix the intelephense issue 🙏 .
#intelephense #lsp #phpactor #php8