Intel may have delayed the #FalconShores release, but their ambitions for the data center GPU market is still strong! #RialtoBridge may be canceled, but Intel remains committed to delivering innovative and powerful GPUs on a two-year cadence for all of your data center needs! #IntelGPU #IntelDataCenter #IntelStrong
#falconshores #rialtobridge #intelgpu #inteldatacenter #intelstrong
Linux kernel 5.19.12 code could cause permanent damage to some laptop displays
#frameworklaptop #Linuxkernel #intelgpu #kernel #Intel #Linux #Tech
#FrameworkLaptop #linuxkernel #intelgpu #kernel #intel #linux #tech
Linux kernel 5.19.2 code could cause permanent damage to some laptop displays - Enlarge / It's not specific to Framework, but a number of Framework-owning Lin... - #frameworklaptop #linuxkernel #intelgpu #kernel #intel #linux #tech
#tech #linux #intel #kernel #intelgpu #linuxkernel #FrameworkLaptop