"The traditional image of a #library as a building in which silence should reign belies its true role as an access point for free speech and fresh concepts that can be both eye-opening and controversial."
#libraries #publiclibraries #intellectualfreedom #freedomofspeech #ALA #librarianship
#library #libraries #publiclibraries #intellectualfreedom #freedomofspeech #ala #librarianship
this, in sticker form, was one of the most popular items I sold at the art market this weekend. It is a real bummer that it is needed!
#art #drawing #intellectualfreedom
For anyone who is not working in one, your local public library may well be fighting attacks right now. for those in Michigan, check out MI right to read to find out more
#Art #Drawing #PublicLibraries #Libraries #LibraryLife #IntellectualFreedom
#art #drawing #publiclibraries #libraries #librarylife #intellectualfreedom
Trickle down fascism is deep within the UNC system. This is going to impact the state for generations.
UNC-W dean removed from position, claims retaliation after expressing free speech
#NCpol #freeSpeech #intellectualFreedom #academicFreedom
#academicfreedom #intellectualfreedom #freespeech #ncpol
#Librarians #train to #defend #IntellectualFreedom and #fight #BookBans at #chicago conference - AP - https://scnow.com/news/librarians-train-to-defend-intellectual-freedom-and-fight-book-bans-at-chicago-conference/article_47ceb142-c859-576f-87d3-075cb78c76dd.html #CivilLiberties #education #censorship #harassment
#librarians #train #defend #intellectualfreedom #fight #bookBans #chicago #civilliberties #Education #censorship #harassment
hearing from mpow's ILS provider that they're building in the ability for parents to 'blacklist' certain parts of the collection so their kids can't access those titles. not pleased! anyone know more about this concept?
#libraries #libraryLife #intellectualFreedom
#libraries #librarylife #intellectualfreedom
"We live in an extremely conservative community. Sexual health is simply not discussed. The result is an antiquated mentality even within the library."
Does your #library provide information about #abortion? If not, it may be attributed to abortion stigma. Read a guest post by Barbara A. Alvarez: https://www.alastore.ala.org/alvarezblog
#library #abortion #libraries #intellectualfreedom
A school system in Manitoba voted (by a large margin) to reject a new, book censoring process. As I witness US movements against #IntellectualFreedom (especially focusing on persecuting LGBTQ2S+ and librarians supporting liberties to seek knowledge), I worry about similar instances rising in Canada. I hope for many more opportunities to highlight positive cases countering censorial activities. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/brandon-school-division-books-libraries-1.6852651
Today (3 May) is World Press Freedom Day. According to the UN, it's an opportunity to:
"celebrate the fundamental principles of press freedom; assess the state of press freedom throughout the world; defend the media from attacks on their independence; and pay tribute to journalists who have lost their lives in the line of duty." More info here: https://www.un.org/en/observances/press-freedom-day #journalism #IntellectualFreedom #FreedomOfExpression
#journalism #intellectualfreedom #freedomofexpression
Huge congrats to Emily J. M. Knox, just named Winner of the 2023 Eli M. Oboler Memorial Award from #IFRT! https://www.ala.org/news/press-releases/2023/03/intellectual-freedom-round-table-announces-emily-jm-knox-recipient-2023-eli-m
#ALA #libraries #IntellectualFreedom #censorship
#ifrt #ala #libraries #intellectualfreedom #censorship
I was a public reference librarian for a couple of years and can't believe what is now happening with the conservative furor over books, libraries, and librarians.
#libraries #books #librarians #IntellectualFreedom #MomsForLiberty #ChallengedBooks #BannedBooks
#bannedbooks #challengedbooks #momsforliberty #intellectualfreedom #librarians #books #libraries
Well, now I’m in the game. https://medium.com/the-narrative-arc/these-37-titles-have-been-targeted-for-removal-from-the-high-school-library-1bd86ce84457. #censorship #religiousright #opposebigotry #intellectualfreedom #writers #writer
#censorship #religiousright #opposebigotry #intellectualfreedom #writers #writer
Canadian #librarians please spread awareness of the aggressive tactics used by a group, Action4Canada, which is trying to censor (primarily but not only LGBTQ2S+) books & stifle #IntellectualFreedom. They sent misleading "notices of liability" to librarians, called the RCMP into public school libraries alleging pornography (which the RCMP reported was false https://bc-cb.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/ViewPage.action?siteNodeId=2087&languageId=1&contentId=78590) & A4C asks people to report CFLA board members to the police (again... about pornography to children).
#librarians #intellectualfreedom
Hannah Allam: Culture war in the stacks: Librarians marshal against rising book bans: Facing smear campaigns and death threats, #librarians are on the front lines of what they call an urgent battle for intellectual freedom
"'It’s time to understand that they’re serious about suppressing information and taking away people’s civil liberties based on their identity and race. They want to go back to 1952,' Deborah Caldwell-Stone, the director of the #library association’s intellectual freedom office, said of the groups that are behind censorship efforts. 'We’re being confronted with the potential for another McCarthy era where people’s lives are ruined simply because of what they believe or who they are.'"
#bookBans #fascism #intellectualfreedom #civilliberties #ala
Free (gift) article from #wapo
#librarians #library #bookbans #fascism #intellectualfreedom #civilliberties #ala #wapo
#CultureWar in the #stacks: #Librarians marshal against rising #book #bans. Facing #smear #campaigns and #DeathThreats #librarians are on the #frontlines of what they call an urgent #battle for #IntellectualFreedom #librarians #education #democracy not #fascism #SchoolLibrarians #PublicSchools #ReadingIsFundamental #FreeSpeech #ALA #extremism #BannedBooks #censorship https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/03/02/culture-war-stacks-librarians-marshal-against-rising-book-bans/?
#culturewar #stacks #librarians #book #bans #smear #campaigns #deaththreats #frontlines #battle #intellectualfreedom #Education #Democracy #fascism #schoollibrarians #publicschools #readingisfundamental #freespeech #ala #extremism #bannedbooks #censorship
McSweeney’s delivers the impassioned argument for #IntellectualFreedom that every library worker and teacher wishes they could 👏🏻 https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/fuck-you-you-fat-headed-roald-dahl-censoring-fuckers
Images and charts that show, which books in Canadian libraries have been subject to the most challenges from 2015-2022 (English & Français). https://cfla-fcab.ca/en/intellectual-freedom/canadas-most-challenged-books-2015-2022-livres-les-plus-contestes-au-canada-2015-2022/
#IntellectualFreedom #LibertéIntellectuelle #FreedomToRead #SemaineLibertéExpression #Libraries #Bibliothèques
#intellectualfreedom #liberteintellectuelle #freedomtoread #semaineliberteexpression #libraries #bibliotheques
Great initiative on intellectual freedom in Canada. The CFLA-FCAB's Intellectual Freedom Committee has long maintained a database of challenges to library materials (and done outreach, publishing, etc. on the topic). The Toronto Metropolitan University's Centre for Free Expression maintains a similar database. Now the two are collaborating. PDF of the announcement here: http://cfla-fcab.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/2023.02.21-Media-Release-CFE-CFLA-en-fr-FINAL.pdf #IntellectualFreedom #FreedomToRead #Libraries
#intellectualfreedom #freedomtoread #libraries
In FOUNDATIONS OF INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM, Emily J. M. Knox discusses “The 4 Rs” of #censorship practices and reinforces the notion that censorship, whether active or passive, contradicts sound principles of intellectual freedom and #librarianship. Read an excerpt: https://bit.ly/3S4i5Ne
#libraries #library #IntellectualFreedom #ALA #AmericanLibraryAssociation
#censorship #librarianship #libraries #library #intellectualfreedom #ala #AmericanLibraryAssociation
Firing of Colorado librarian who objected to cancellation of programs for youth of color, LGBTQ teens was illegal, state concludes
Colorado Civil Rights Division determines High Plains Library District violated state anti-discrimination laws https://www.denverpost.com/2023/02/08/brooky-parks-high-plains-library-district-discrimination-colorado-civil-rights-division/ #Libraries #PublicLibraries #IntellectualFreedom
#intellectualfreedom #publiclibraries #libraries