On the latest episode of smartereverday (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcQVrD7RnNI), Destin mentions something called #intellectualhumility. This is something that everyone could use a little bit more of.
Change your mind with these gateway drugs to intellectual humility https://bigthink.com/the-well/change-your-mind-intellectual-humility/ (useful methods for examining your beliefs) #IntellectualHumility
Happy #FridayThe13th y'all. One of my Master's courses in law school this semester (Negotiation) had us watch this 2 minute video. It's quick, insightful, and reminded me of why the #fediverse was such a great place to have conversations with others. #IntellectualHumility FTW 👏 ☺️
#fridaythe13th #fediverse #intellectualhumility
Somebody needs to psychoanalyze social psychologists. Without irony - that I can detect - Norbert Schwarz known for questionable results that do not replicate and replication-crisis-denial - writes about #IntellectualHumility
You can't make this shit up.
#norbertschwarz #intellectualhumility
Hi Mastodon! I'm Candice, a professor of #developmental #psychology at UT Dallas. I study children's #thinking and #learning.
Much of my research examines the development of #skepticism: how children come to recognize limits of their own knowledge as well as limits of claims made by others.
#Santa #ScienceLearning #intellectualhumility #teamscience #Skepticism #learning #thinking #psychology #developmental #introductions
"La humildad intelectual implica reconocer (1) los límites del propio conocimiento y ser consciente de la propia falibilidad, (2) que otras personas pueden tener creencias legítimas diferentes a las propias y (3) la voluntad de revelar la ignorancia para aprender".
RT @jayvanbavel
#Intellectualhumility involves recognizing (1) the limits of one’s knowledge and being aware of one’s fallibility, (2) that other people can hold legitim…