Diese Woche sind wir in Boston beim IPO Annual Meeting vertreten (IPO steht für „Intellectual Property Owners Association“), um internationale Kontakte zu pflegen und neue zu knüpfen.
Außerdem um uns über die jüngste Rechtsprechung zur Formulierung und Auslegung von Patentansprüchen, sowie zum Schutz von #AI Erfindungen in den USA zu informieren.
#ai #intellectualproperty #ipoam23 #patents
I think the way I'd say it is that capitalist markets attach value to scarcity. Scarce things command a higher price. So where there is not scarcity, it must be created in order to profit from it.
A serious problem with capitalism is its reductionist nature. That is, it sees a problem that's a real problem and reduces it to a market model so that it can be reasoned about as a simple matter of maximizing profit. But the people doing it really don't care about the original profit. They subscribe to the greed-is-good and disingenuously presume that all relevant variables are encoded such that it's fair for them to simply maximize profit.
But then they find they can profit better by regulatory capture or exploiting externalities than by solving the original problem because no one has made a specific rule against it. And so the regulatory capture part makes sure that rules aren't made against regulatory capture or externalities, which assures that capitalism will continue to distract itself making profit and never really even trying to solve many of the biggest problems we have.
Capitalism is, at its best, merely an optimization engine. But if not programmed with boundary conditions, it will generate nonsensical solutions, as any mathematical optimization system would. Morality must be one of the boundaries. It is a mistake and an active attack on society to assert that morality must not be encoded in law. Even Adam Smith suggested that it had to be put there, because it would not be otherwise discovered. As I recall, he pretty much expected that capitalists unfettered by boundary laws would become tyrants.
As to the finite nature of the world and its resources, I refer you to my 2019 essay Losing Ground in the Environment, which I think sums things up more neatly than I could quickly do here.
#capitalism #markets #intellectualProperty #science #knowledge #externalities
#capitalism #markets #intellectualproperty #science #knowledge #externalities
なぜ知財で正当な権利を主張すると炎上してしまうのか?(栗原潔) - エキスパート - Yahoo!ニュース
#afuri #intellectualproperty #business
Not sure I have any designers following me now that I am on Mastodon, but, word to the wise, read your font licensing thoroughly, especially if you are buying from Yellow Design Studio. Some folks go out of business for want of this! https://trellis.law/doc/72845742/reply-memorandum-defendants-reply-memorandum-in-support-motion-for-summary-judgment #fonts #intellectualProperty
A company formed by M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and Panacea Venture plans to develop synthetic antibodies as treatments addressing new cancer targets.
#News #Press #Science #Business #Entrepreneurs #Biotechnology #StartUp #IntellectualProperty #Cancer #MonoclonalAntibodies #Tumors #Proteins #Antigens #Therapies #Treatments #VentureCapital
#News #press #science #business #Entrepreneurs #biotechnology #startup #intellectualproperty #cancer #monoclonalantibodies #tumors #proteins #antigens #therapies #treatments #venturecapital
Wired: The Battle Over Books3 Could Change AI Forever https://www.wired.com/story/battle-over-books3/ #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Culture/DigitalCulture #artificialintelligence #IntellectualProperty #machinelearning #Culture/Books #TheLastWord #Culture #ChatGPT #OpenAI #Books
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #Culture #artificialintelligence #intellectualproperty #machinelearning #thelastword #chatgpt #openai #books
Wired: The Battle Over Books3 Could Change AI Forever https://www.wired.com/story/battle-over-books3/ #Culture/DigitalCulture #artificialintelligence #IntellectualProperty #machinelearning #Culture/Books #TheLastWord #Culture #ChatGPT #OpenAI #Books
#culture #artificialintelligence #intellectualproperty #machinelearning #thelastword #chatgpt #openai #books
Really enjoyed this piece about how using the term "Intellectual Property" causes harm, when trying to think about the problems with very different types of laws, such as patent laws, copyright laws, and trademark laws. The term "Intellectual Property" incorrectly and falsely puts non-economic human problems into an economic perspective.
#ip #law #intellectualproperty #patents #copyright #trademark #rms
#ip #law #intellectualproperty #patents #copyright #trademark #rms
In an earlier stage of my pre-retirement academic life I was quite involved with FLOSS issues (partly due to my work on #intellectualproperty) so am aware of JPB & the FLOSS crowd - also had a piece on DRMs from that standpoint in First Monday 20 years ago... and thanks for the feedback in the other replies/posts - interesting perspective(s)!
For some reason, now and perhaps more than ever, we still feel the need to remind the public that "intellectual property" is a bogus concept, grouping multiple **completely unrelated** sets of laws. Please read https://u.fsf.org/3l7 and share the word! #IntellectualProperty
After the #warmongers have sufficiently weakened Russia via proxy they intend to switch to #war on #Asia, mostly #China and #Taiwan etc. Something to do with China not respecting #intellectualProperty laws, and wanting to maintain the integrity of their borders, or something such.
Know that #neocons embrace this.
They use online #anonymity to promote mass #depopulation outcomes they are setup to benefit from.
We call for #PlannedDegrowth instead.
#warmongers #war #asia #china #taiwan #intellectualproperty #neocons #anonymity #depopulation #plannedDegrowth #weaponsIndustry
『AFURI』の商標騒動を掘り下げた1万文字 - はげあたま.org
ラーメンチェーンAFURIがジャンル違いの清酒メーカーに商標権侵害訴訟(栗原潔) - エキスパート - Yahoo!ニュース
#afuri #intellectualproperty #propertymanagement #business
Mit künstlicher Intelligenz können technische Probleme gelöst werden. Aber können diese Lösungen dann patentiert werden? Kann die #KI Erfinder sein? Wem gehört die Erfindung? Nach wohl herrschender aktueller Meinung gibt es zumindest in Europa keine „Erfindungen“ ohne menschliche (Mit-)Erfinder. Ein Patent würde nicht erteilt, müsste wohl widerrufen oder für nichtig erklärt werden. Jedenfalls kann die KI selbst nicht Rechteinhaber werden.
#ki #ip #ip1x1 #patent #intellectualproperty
For some reason, now and perhaps more than ever, we still feel the need to remind the public that "intellectual property" is a bogus concept, grouping multiple **completely unrelated** sets of laws. Please read https://u.fsf.org/3l7 and share the word! #IntellectualProperty
Confused about who owns the copyright over ChatGPT text or Midjourney images? You're not alone!
Fortunately our faculty are helping to sort out who the author is for AI-generated works. @jonippolito has the last word in this piece from yesterday's Inside Higher Ed:
#Archives #Collections #Data #DigitalCuration #GLAM #Libraries #Museums #AIethics #AIimages #ChatGPT #GenerativeAI #GPT #LLM #MachineLearning #Copyright #IntellectualProperty #AcademicMastodon
#academicmastodon #intellectualproperty #copyright #machinelearning #llm #gpt #generativeAI #chatgpt #aiimages #aiethics #museums #libraries #glam #DigitalCuration #data #collections #archives
"AI is a different beast than humans....Postimpressionism inspired Cubism, but Picasso didn’t physically cut up all of Cézanne’s paintings to make his own."
Glad to see colleagues from the AI in Education Google Group https://groups.google.com/g/ai-in-education quoted along with me in today's Inside Higher Ed https://www.insidehighered.com/news/tech-innovation/2023/08/22/ai-raises-complicated-questions-about-authorship HT Jonathan Singer
#Art #AI #ArtHistory #AIethics #AIimages #ChatGPT #GenerativeAI #GenerativeAIArt #GPT #LLM #MachineLearning #Copyright #IntellectualProperty #AcademicMastodon
#academicmastodon #intellectualproperty #copyright #machinelearning #llm #gpt #generativeaiart #generativeAI #chatgpt #aiimages #aiethics #arthistory #ai #art
For some reason, now and perhaps more than ever, we still feel the need to remind the public that "intellectual property" is a bogus concept, grouping multiple **completely unrelated** sets of laws. Please read https://u.fsf.org/3l7 and share the word! #IntellectualProperty
"United States District Court Judge Beryl A. Howell ruled on Friday that AI-generated artwork can’t be copyrighted, as noted by The Hollywood Reporter. She was presiding over a lawsuit against the US Copyright Office after it refused a copyright to Stephen Thaler for an AI-generated image made with the Creativity Machine algorithm he’d created."
#AI #GenerativeAI #Copyright #USCO #IP #IntellectualProperty
#ai #generativeai #copyright #usco #ip #intellectualproperty
Gizmodo: Judge Rules Wholly AI-Created Art Can't Get Copyright Protections https://gizmodo.com/ai-made-art-not-copyrightable-us-copyright-office-1850754829 #copyrightlawoftheunitedstates #unitedstatescopyrightoffice #unitedstatescopyrightlaw #intellectualproperty #entertainmentculture #imaginationengines #intangibleassets #stephenthaler #copyrightlaw #berylhowell #copyright
#copyrightlawoftheunitedstates #unitedstatescopyrightoffice #unitedstatescopyrightlaw #intellectualproperty #entertainmentculture #imaginationengines #intangibleassets #stephenthaler #copyrightlaw #berylhowell #copyright
#podcast #ita #intelligenzaartificiale #intelligenzaemotiva #intellectualproperty #mastoradio #hive #Ecency #Aureal #blockchain #virtualreality
#podcast #ita #intelligenzaartificiale #intelligenzaemotiva #intellectualproperty #mastoradio #hive #ecency #aureal #blockchain #virtualreality