“We want to send a message to all software patent trolls out there — we will fight your suit, we will win, and we will have your patent invalidated.
“To do this, we need your help. Please help support the #GNOME Foundation in sending a message that patent trolls should never target free software”
#FreeSoftware #PatentAbsurdity #RentSeeking #Extortion #CapitalismWorkingAsDesigned #IntellectualTheft
#gnome #freesoftware #PatentAbsurdity #rentseeking #extortion #CapitalismWorkingAsDesigned #intellectualtheft
#russia #russianHacker #SergayBrin
#elite #intel #badactors #intellectualtheft #industrialEspionage #projectDragonfly
#badhacker #bondvillain
In cold war terms, Microsoft is 1970s Soviet bread lines - 1/3
#russia #russianhacker #sergaybrin #elite #intel #badactors #intellectualtheft #industrialespionage #projectdragonfly #badhacker #bondvillain