The new #Intellijel Cascadia looks nice, but almost $3K for a semi-modular synth? Hell, I could get Deckard's Voice for under $1K, and the 0-COAST only cost me about $650.
I mean, sure it could be worthwhile if one used it as a more-or-less self-contained workhorse, but when you already have more than $5K in modules it's a pretty tough pill to swallow.
especially cute
happy avril 14th!
#cascadia #intellijel #aphextwin
#intellijel #cascadia is out in the wild!
Our own page…
A great write up…
And the videos!
really proud of how this module turned out, we put a ton of effort into these noises before release. This video only scratches the surface.
#intellijel #eurorack #modularsynth
Latest in my modular adventures. Adding the #intellijel quad VCA to #mutableinstruments #plaits
Modular Adventures 0006
#almbusycirtcuits #teenageengineering #modularsynth #plaits #mutableinstruments #intellijel
mini #eurorack #synth jam in a 64u #intellijel palette. a videogamey battle type feel - vaguely reminiscent of crystalis.
my goal this time was to play around with squarp's hermod to get used to its menu repl.
- hermod - tracker, sequencer, lfos. digging the workflow & midi input.
- plaits - because i can't patch without it; 1.2 firmware in new arpeggiator mode + occasionally flipping the model for that bg bump
- sidguts - chippy goodness <3
Holy crap! I just discovered that my 62HP #Intellijel Palette case has *two* built-in buff mults! #happyhappyjoyjoy
RDJ and I use the same 2xVCA so I’m pretty much a big deal nowadays ❤️👍 #bigtime #starpower #eurorack #modularsynth #intellijel
#bigtime #starpower #eurorack #modularsynth #intellijel
@linesofsilence @synths I'd recommend maybe going for a 104 HP skiff to start. I just got myself a 62 HP #Intellijel Palette case that I'm super happy with (it has a 1U row in addition to a 3U row). There's also a 104 HP version of the Palette, so that could be a good place to start! 🙂