#ixda #interaction23 Hideaki Matsui from Google talked about the eras of computing and the role of HCI, including proxemics, in #ambientcomputing & #spatialcomputing.
“As computers become more intelligent, the relationship between humans and computers become increasingly intertwined”
He noted how the Google Smart Display was designed to use a combination of;
- Personalisation with face recognition
- Glanceable and adaptive UI
- Effortless Control with Gestures
- Natural Conversation
#ixda #interaction23 #ambientcomputing #spatialcomputing
After their presentation at #Interaction23 today, I expect @xrw might dig the #LivePrompting thread, in which I am trying to use Midjourney to sharpen my perceptions of the real world. And reinterpret. And and and. Great talk and thank you! https://hachyderm.io/@chrisnoessel/109955982367136749
“My interest in the future is because I’m going to spend the rest of my life there“ - Charles Kettering
A great talk by Eileen Mandir & Benedikt Groß on “Strategically exploring, designing and negotiating future scenarios with Design Futuring”. Check out the Studio projects, including SoulPod and Nomad at https://sg.hfg-gmuend.de #interaction23 #ixda
Love the concepts (and beautiful industrial design) of “Fantastic Smartphones – Problematic devices as a subject for experimentation and reflection” that Alain Bellet is talking us through here at #ixda Education Summit #interaction23 #mobile https://ecal.ch/en/feed/projects/4894/fantastic-smartphones/ and http://smartphone-confessions.world
Anyone else attending #Interaction23 this week? I'll be remote and would love some conference buddies here.
Opening Keynote for the #Interaction23 Education Summit was by Ron Wakkary “Designing for More than Human-Centred Worlds” talking about our role as Designers and that “To design things is to fundamentally shape our world, but human agency is shared, partial and limited”. We need to be more aware of the aspects that we can’t control that influence design. Book recommendation was Vibrant Matter by Jane Bennett https://www.dukeupress.edu/Vibrant-Matter/
Jürgen Späth, Chair of Interaction23 Education Summit, welcomes us to the opening of the conference in Zurich. He noted the importance of interaction design for ubiquitous and contextual computing experiences and designing conversational interfaces for intelligent agents, As well as the upcoming role of #augmentedreality #ixda #interaction23
#augmentedreality #ixda #interaction23
One week until heading to #interaction23. Hope to see old and new friends there, and learn!
I was selected to volunteer at #Interaction23! But…my passport expires in 3 weeks. (Not months. Yes, I’m a huge slacker.) Maybe another time, #Zurich…
I went to one day of #Interaction16 in #Helsinki when I gave a lightning talk there. That trip was a comedy of errors, during a fraught time of my life. But even in February, Finland was so lovely.
#interaction23 #zurich #interaction16 #helsinki #ixda #interactiondesign #ux #uxdesign
I'm so excited, I get to moderate a panel of the women who were part of the founding of IXDA, at the Interaction23 conference in Zurich. #womenofixd #ixda #uxdesign #interaction23
#womenofixd #ixda #uxdesign #interaction23