If your boss tells you to start working on an integration of the #InteractiveBrokers API into your system, run. or protest. or quit.
Anything is better than losing your sanity.
Just released my attempt at an IB TWS API library for Rust: https://github.com/fourbytes/ib_tws_rs #rust #trading #interactivebrokers
#rust #trading #interactivebrokers
#AxisOfEasy 145: Software Model Behind Global Lockdown Turns Out To Be Garbage
##AxisOfEasy #BobDienchenko #Citizenlab #contacttracing #DouglasMurray #InteractiveBrokers #NSOGroup #Privacy #WeChat
#wechat #privacy #nsogroup #interactivebrokers #douglasmurray #contacttracing #citizenlab #bobdienchenko #axisofeasy
#AxisOfEasy 145: Software model behind global lockdown turns out to be garbage
#BobDienchenko #Citizenlab #contacttracing #DouglasMurray #InteractiveBrokers #NSOGroup #Privacy #WeChat
#wechat #privacy #nsogroup #interactivebrokers #douglasmurray #contacttracing #citizenlab #bobdienchenko #axisofeasy