Finished a squad of 5 #Salamanders40k #intercessors #spacemarines #warhammer40k #minipainting
#minipainting #warhammer40k #spacemarines #intercessors #salamanders40k
A final group shot of the Intercessor "elements" squad.
#Warhammer40k #MiniaturePainting #SpaceMarines #Intercessors
#warhammer40k #miniaturepainting #spacemarines #intercessors
My review for Wrath of the Soul Forge King is now on the channel.
#warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #warmongers #warthofthesoulforgeking #vashtorr #azreal #chaos #darkangels #deathwing #intercessors #chaoscultists #demonengine #wargaming
#warhammer40k #WarhammerCommunity #warmongers #warthofthesoulforgeking #vashtorr #azreal #chaos #darkangels #deathwing #intercessors #ChaosCultists #demonengine #wargaming
Primaris Intercessors squad A.
No changes to the miniatures, but they do stand on custom-made flagstone bases.
Painted with a unique scheme to keep them Chapter agnostic (a cunning scheme to maximise who I could sell them to).
Spot them running about a table somewhere in America.
#Warhammer40k #PaintingMiniatures #SpaceMarines #Intercessors
#warhammer40k #paintingminiatures #spacemarines #intercessors