Olivier B. :neurodiversity: · @olireiv
791 followers · 1143 posts · Server zeroes.ca

Not only it's taking the shape of a general strike, there are manifestations everywhere!
There are auto-organised movements of blue collar workers, young people, ethnic "minorities", feminists, ecologists etc
All these people are interconnected and today more than ever for the success of this strike:
Make the government fall and probably end the fith Constitution for another one.

#france #revolutionpermanente #interdependent

Last updated 2 years ago

PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1306 followers · 12502 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

are a people - we depend on the coast, and ice for our , and , ” Sara Olsvig, ICC’s International Chair, said in a statement.

“From an Inuit perspective, like , all are , and – when one dimension is there is a cascade amongst structures across , and elements.


#inuit #maritime #ocean #sea #foodsecurity #culture #economy #humanrights #livingBeings #interrelated #interdependent #interconnected #impacted #dynamic #connecting #ecological #abiotic #biotic #cultural

Last updated 2 years ago

Andrew Thompson · @greenaspen
549 followers · 3693 posts · Server mastodon.scot

Beavers are Scotland's secret weapon in fight

‘Could 2023 be the year that we see being reintroduced widely across ? For that to happen, Scotland’s Government bodies, which between them manage 10% of the country’s land, need to step up.’


#resilience #climate #wetlands #drought #interdependent #interconnected #regeneration #restoration #nature #ecosystems #biodiversity #scotland #beavers #rewilding

Last updated 2 years ago

Andrew Thompson · @greenaspen
549 followers · 3692 posts · Server mastodon.scot

Beavers are Scotland's secret weapon in fight

‘Could 2023 be the year that we see being reintroduced widely across ? For that to happen, Scotland’s Government bodies, which between them manage 10% of the country’s land, need to step up.’


#resilience #climate #wetlands #deought #interdependent #interconnected #regeneration #restoration #nature #ecosystems #biodiversity #scotland #beavers #rewilding

Last updated 2 years ago

Jordi Cabot · @JordiCabot
63 followers · 74 posts · Server fediscience.org

"ConceptBase – a Database System for Metamodeling" - guest post by Manfred Jeusfeld -> modeling-languages.com/a-model

Discover ConceptBase, a system for storing at any abstraction level with a logic-based to express as well their intended .

#semantics #language #models #interdependent #database

Last updated 2 years ago

Olivier B. · @olireiv
688 followers · 483 posts · Server zeroes.ca

I was lucky enough to meet a Buddhist monk once.
I was talking about my eco-anxiety, which is very much related to my feelings about this .
He told me that I am in a healthy process of and evolution.
And it's true, I am and my whole life has been about fitting into neuronormativity.
The itself talks about collapse, cataclysm, etc.
I just think I'm adapting to something that is much healthier for my planet.
Where we are with any life.

#Pandemic #adaptation #autistic #neuronormative #interdependent

Last updated 2 years ago

Olivier B. · @olireiv
679 followers · 414 posts · Server zeroes.ca

If mitigation is still an option, the future will require us to adapt, to cooperate. To be on each other.
Be interdependent with the nature that feeds us, and love it.
is a good approach.

South American could probably teach us a lot about this.

#covid #interdependent #fluminism #shamanism

Last updated 2 years ago

anhrefn · @anhrefn
22 followers · 141 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Sovereignty is not being individual and personal—a right to control our own bodies and lives. The individual rational actor is an invention of capitalism, a concept that severs us from land and community. In reality, our bodies and our minds are of myriad beings coming together and giving rise to a more or less —and are completely with the humans and other-than-humans who share our landscape.

-paraphrased from Seán Pádraig O'Donoghue

#ecologies #communalconsciousness #interdependent

Last updated 3 years ago