π "The Harmful and Insidious Effects of Fatphobia" - Throughout 2021, Good Housekeeping will be exploring how we think about weight, the way we eat, and how we try to control or change our bodies in our quest to be happier and healthier. - https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/health/a35422452/fat-phobia/ fat, health, society #link #interestingRead #mechanicalJBF
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π "Python's Missing Batteries: Essential Libraries You're Missing Out On" - https://martinheinz.dev/blog/96 #link #interestingRead
π "Python's Missing Batteries: Essential Libraries You're Missing Out On"
#link #interestingRead
"Python's Missing Batteries: Essential Libraries You're Missing Out On" - <div>
<p> Python is known to come with <i>"batteries included"</i>, thanks to its very extensive standard library, which includes many modules and functions that you would not expect to be there. However, there are many more <i>"essential"</i> Python libraries out there that you should know about and be using in all of your Python projects, and here's the list. </p>
<h2>General Purpose Utilities</h2>
<p> We will begin with a couple general purpose libraries that you can put to use in type of project. First one being <a href="https://boltons.readthedocs.io/en/latest/"><code class="inline">boltons</code></a>, which is described in docs as: </p>
<br><i><q>Boltons is a set of pure-Python utilities in the same spirit as β and yet conspicuously missing from β the standard library.</q></i>
<p> We would need a whole article just to go over every function and feature of <code class="inline">boltons</code>, but here are a couple examples of handy functions: </p>
<pre><code class="language-python">
# pip install boltons
from boltons import jsonutils, timeutils, iterutils
from datetime import date
# {"name": "John", "id": 1, "active": true}
# {"name": "Ben", "id": 2, "active": false}
# {"name": "Mary", "id": 3, "active": true}
with open('input.jsonl') as f:
for line in jsonutils.JSONLIterator(f): # Automatically converted to dict
print(f"User: {line['name']} with ID {line['id']} is {'active' if line['active'] else 'inactive'}")
# User: John with ID 1 is active
# ...
start_date = date(year=2023, month=4, day=9)
end_date = date(year=2023, month=4, day=30)
for day in timeutils.daterange(start_date, end_date, step=(0, 0, 2)):
# datetime.date(2023, 4, 9)
# datetime.date(2023, 4, 11)
# datetime.date(2023, 4, 13)
data = {"deeply": {"nested": {"python": {"dict": "value"}}}}
iterutils.get_path(data, ("deeply", "nested", "python"))
# {'dict': 'value'}
data = {"id": "234411",
"node1": {"id": 1234, "value": "some data"},
"node2": {"id": "2352345",
"node3": {"id": "123422", "value": "more data"}
iterutils.remap(data, lambda p, k, v: (k, int(v)) if k == 'id' else (k, v))
<p> While Python's standard library has <code class="inline">json</code> module, it does not support JSON Lines (<code class="inline">.jsonl</code>) format. First example shows how you can process <code class="inline">jsonl</code> using <code class="inline">boltons</code>. </p>
<p> Second examples showcases <code class="inline">boltons.timeutils</code> module which allows you to create date-ranges. You can iterate over them as well as set <code class="inline">step</code> argument to - for example - get every other day. Again, this is something that's missing from Python's <code class="inline">datetime</code> module. </p>
<p> Finally, in the third example, we use <code class="inline">remap</code> function from <code class="inline">boltons.iterutils</code> module to recursively convert all <code class="inline">id</code> fields in dictionary to integers. The <code class="inline">boltons.iterutils</code> here serves as a nice extension to builtin <code class="inline">itertools</code>. </p>
<p> Speaking of <code class="inline">iterutils</code> and <code class="inline">itertools</code>, next great library you need to check out is <code class="inline">more-itertools</code>, which provides well, <i>more <code class="inline">itertools</code></i>. Again, discussion about <code class="inline">more-itertools</code> would warrant a whole article and... I wrote one, you can check it out <a href="https://martinheinz.dev/blog/16">here</a>. </p>
<p> Last one for this category is <code class="inline">sh</code>, which is a <code class="inline">subprocess</code> module replacement. Great if you find yourself orchestrating lots of other processes in Python: </p>
<pre><code class="language-python">
# https://pypi.org/project/sh/
# pip install sh
import sh
# Run any command in $PATH...
# total 36
# drwxrwxr-x 2 martin martin 4096 apr 8 14:18 .
# drwxrwxr-x 41 martin martin 20480 apr 7 15:23 ..
# -rw-rw-r-- 1 martin martin 30 apr 8 14:18 examples.py
with sh.contrib.sudo:
# Do stuff using 'sudo'...
# Write to a file:
# Piping:
print(sh.wc('-l', _in=sh.ls('.', '-1')))
# Same as 'ls -1 | wc -l'
<p> When we invoke <code class="inline">sh.some_command</code>, <code class="inline">sh</code> library tries to look for builtin <code class="inline">shell</code> command or a binary in your <code class="inline">$PATH</code> with that name. If it finds such command, it will simply execute it for you. </p>
<p> In case you need to use <code class="inline">sudo</code>, you can use the <code class="inline">sudo</code> context manager from <code class="inline">contrib</code> module, as shown in the second part of the snippet. </p>
<p> To write output of a command to a file you only need to provide <code class="inline">_out</code> argument to the function. And finally, you can also use pipes (<code class="inline">|</code>) by using <code class="inline">_in</code> argument. </p>
<h2>Data Validation</h2>
<p> Another <i>"missing battery"</i> in Python standard library is category of data validation tools. One small library that provides this is called <a href="https://github.com/python-validators/validators"><code class="inline">validators</code></a>. This library lets you validate common patterns such as emails, IPs or credit cards: </p>
<pre><code class="language-python">
# https://python-validators.github.io/validators/
# pip install validators
import validators
validators.email('someone@example.com') # True
validators.ip_address.ipv4('') # ValidationFailure(func=ipv4, args={'value': ''})
<p> Next up is fuzzy string comparison - Python includes <code class="inline">difflib</code> for this, but this module could use some improvements. Some of which can be found in <code class="inline">thefuzz</code> library (previously known as <code class="inline">fuzzywuzzy</code>): </p>
<pre><code class="language-python">
# pip install thefuzz
from thefuzz import fuzz
from thefuzz import process
print(fuzz.ratio("Some text for testing", "text for some testing")) # 76
print(fuzz.token_sort_ratio("Some text for testing", "text for some testing")) # 100
print(fuzz.token_sort_ratio("Some text for testing", "some testing text for some text testing")) # 70
print(fuzz.token_set_ratio("Some text for testing", "some testing text for some text testing")) # 100
songs = [
'01 Radiohead - OK Computer - Airbag.mp3',
'02 Radiohead - OK Computer - Paranoid Android.mp3',
'04 Radiohead - OK Computer - Exit Music (For a Film).mp3',
'06 Radiohead - OK Computer - Karma Police.mp3',
'10 Radiohead - OK Computer - No Surprises.mp3',
'11 Radiohead - OK Computer - Lucky.mp3',
'01 Radiohead - Pablo Honey - You.mp3',
'02 Radiohead - Pablo Honey - Creep.mp3',
'04 Radiohead - Pablo Honey - Stop Whispering.mp3',
'06 Radiohead - Pablo Honey - Anyone Can Play Guitar.mp3',
"10 Radiohead - Pablo Honey - I Can't.mp3",
'13 Radiohead - Pablo Honey - Creep (Radio Edit).mp3',
# ...
print(process.extract("Radiohead - No Surprises", songs, limit=1, scorer=fuzz.token_sort_ratio))
# [('10 Radiohead - OK Computer - No Surprises.mp3', 70)]
<p> The appeal of <code class="inline">thefuzz</code> library are the <code class="inline">*ratio</code> functions that will <i>likely</i> do a better job than the builtin <code class="inline">difflib.get_close_matches</code> or <code class="inline">difflib.SequenceMatcher.ratio</code>. The snippet above shows their different uses. First we use the basic <code class="inline">ratio</code> which computes a simple similarity score of two strings. After that we use <code class="inline">token_sort_ratio</code> which ignores the order of tokens (words) in the string when calculating the similarity. Finally, we test the <code class="inline">token_set_ratio</code> function, which instead ignores duplicate tokens. </p>
<p> We also use the <code class="inline">extract</code> function from <code class="inline">process</code> module which is an alternative to <code class="inline">difflib.get_close_matches</code>. This function looks for the best match(es) in a list of strings. </p>
<p> If you're already using <code class="inline">difflib</code> and are wondering if you should use <code class="inline">thefuzz</code> instead, then make sure to check out an <a href="https://chairnerd.seatgeek.com/fuzzywuzzy-fuzzy-string-matching-in-python/">article</a> by the author of the library that nicely demonstrates why builtin <code class="inline">difflib</code> is not always sufficient and why the above functions might work better. </p>
<p> There are also quite a few debugging and troubleshooting libraries that bring superior experience in comparison to what standard library has. One such library is <code class="inline">stackprinter</code> which brings more helpful version of Python's built-in exception messages: </p>
<pre><code class="language-python">
# pip install stackprinter
import stackprinter
def do_stuff():
some_var = "data"
raise ValueError("Some error message")
<p> All you need to do to use it, is import it and set the exception hook. Then, running code that throws an exception will result in: </p>
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/F30tGqB.webp" alt="stackprinter"><p> I think this is big improvement because it shows local variables and context - that is - things that you would need interactive debugger for. Check out <a href="https://github.com/cknd/stackprinter#readme">docs</a> for additional options, such as integration with logging or different color themes. </p>
<p><code class="inline">stackprinter</code> helps with debugging issues that result in exceptions, but that's only a small fraction of issues we all debug. Most of the time troubleshooting bugs involves just putting <code class="inline">print</code> or <code class="inline">log</code> statements all over the code to see current state of variables or to see whether the code was run at all. And there's a library that can improve upon the basic <code class="inline">print</code>-style debugging: </p>
<pre><code class="language-python">
# pip install icecream
from icecream import ic
def do_stuff():
some_var = "data"
some_list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
return some_var
# ic| examples.py:46 in do_stuff() at 11:27:44.604
# ic| do_stuff(): 'data'
<p> It's called <code class="inline">icecream</code> and it provides <code class="inline">ic</code> function that serves as a <code class="inline">print</code> replacement. You can use plain <code class="inline">ic()</code> (without arguments) to test which parts of code were executed. Alternatively, you can use <code class="inline">ic(some_func(...))</code> which will print the function/expression along with the return value. </p>
<p> For additional options and configuration check out <a href="https://github.com/gruns/icecream">GitHub README</a>. </p>
<p> While on the topic of debugging, we should probably also mention testing. I'm not going to tell you to use other test framework then the builtin <code class="inline">unittest</code> (even though <code class="inline">pytest</code> is just better), instead I want to show you 3 little helpful tools: </p>
<p> First one is <code class="inline">freezegun</code> library, which allows you to mock datetime: </p>
<pre><code class="language-python">
# pip install pytest freezegun
from freezegun import freeze_time
import datetime
# Run 'pytest' in shell
def test_datetime():
assert datetime.datetime.now() == datetime.datetime(2022, 4, 9) # Passes!
def test_with():
with freeze_time("Apr 9th, 2022"):
assert datetime.datetime.now() == datetime.datetime(2022, 4, 9) # Passes!
@freeze_time("Apr 9th, 2022", tick=True)
def test_time_ticking():
assert datetime.datetime.now() > datetime.datetime(2022, 4, 9) # Passes!
<p> All you need to do is add decorator to the test function that sets the date (or datetime). Alternatively, you can also use it as a context manager (<code class="inline">with</code> statement). </p>
<p> Above you can also see that it allows you to specify the date in friendly format. And finally, you can also pass in <code class="inline">tick=True</code> which will restart time from the given value. </p>
<p> Optionally - if you're using <code class="inline">pytest</code> - you can also install <code class="inline">pytest-freezegun</code> for Pytest-style fixtures. </p>
<p> Second essential testing library/helper you need is <code class="inline">dirty-equals</code>. It provides helper equality functions for comparing things that are <i>kind-of</i> equal: </p>
<pre><code class="language-python">
# pip install dirty-equals
from dirty_equals import IsApprox, IsNow, IsJson, IsPositiveInt, IsPartialDict, IsList, AnyThing
from datetime import datetime
assert 1.0 == IsApprox(1)
assert 123 == IsApprox(120, delta=4) # close enough...
now = datetime.now()
assert now == IsNow # just about...
assert '{"a": 1, "b": 2}' == IsJson
assert '{"a": 1}' == IsJson(a=IsPositiveInt)
assert {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} == IsPartialDict(a=1, b=2) # Validate only subset of keys/values
assert [1, 2, 3] == IsList(1, AnyThing, 3)
<p> Above is a sample of helpers that test whether two integers or datetimes are approximately the same; whether something is a valid JSON, including testing individual keys in that JSON; or whether value is a dictionary or a list with specific keys/values. </p>
<p> And finally, the third helpful library is called <code class="inline">pyperclip</code> - it provides functions for copying and pasting to/from clipboard. I find this very useful for debugging, e.g. to copy values of variables or error messages to clipboard, but this can have a lot of other use cases: </p>
<pre><code class="language-python">
# pip install pyperclip
# sudo apt-get install xclip
import pyperclip
print("Do something that throws error...")
raise SyntaxError("Something went wrong...")
except Exception as e:
# CTRL+V -> Something went wrong...
<p> In this snippet we use <code class="inline">pyperclip.copy</code> to automatically copy exception message into clipboard, so that we don't have to copy it manually from program output. </p>
<p> Last category that deserves a mention is CLI tooling. If you build CLI applications in Python, then you can probably put <code class="inline">tqdm</code> to good use. This little library provides a progress bar to your programs: </p>
<pre><code class="language-python">
# pip install tqdm
from tqdm import tqdm, trange
from random import randint
from time import sleep
for i in tqdm(range(100)):
sleep(0.05) # 50ms per iteration
# 0% | | 0/100 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
# 100%|ββββββββββ| 100/100 [00:05<00:00, 19.95it/s]
with trange(100) as t:
for i in t:
t.set_description('Step %i' % i)
t.set_postfix(throughput=f"{randint(100, 999)/100.00}Mb/s", task=i)
# Step 60: 60%|ββββββ | 60/100 [00:03<00:02, 19.78it/s, task=60, throughput=4.06Mb/s]
<p> To use it we simply wrap a loop with <code class="inline">tqdm</code> and we get a progress bar in the program output. For more advanced cases you can use <code class="inline">trange</code> context manager and set additional options such as description or any custom progress bar fields, such as throughput or time elapsed. </p>
<p> The module can also be executed as a shell command (<code class="inline">python -m tqdm</code>), which could be useful e.g. when creating backup with <code class="inline">tar</code> or looking for files with <code class="inline">find</code>. </p>
<p> See <a href="https://github.com/tqdm/tqdm#examples-and-advanced-usage">docs</a> for further advanced examples, as well as things like integrations with Pandas or Jupyter Notebook. </p>
<h2>Closing Thoughts</h2>
<p> With Python, you should always search for existing libraries before implementing anything yourself from scratch. Unless you're creating a particularly unusual or bespoke solution, chances are someone has already built and shared it on PyPI. </p>
<p> In this article I listed only general purpose libraries that anyone can benefit from, but there are many other specialized ones - e.g. for ML or web development - so I would recommend that you check out <a href="https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python">https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python</a> which has very extensive list of interesting libraries, or you can also simply <a href="https://pypi.org/search/">search PyPI by category</a> and I'm sure you will find something useful there. </p>
</div> https://martinheinz.dev/blog/96 #link #interestingRead
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Energy use in Sweden. Swedes use a lot of energy β yet, emissions are low. The key? Renewable energy.
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