RT @Lo_Zanzi
#WeekendRead! #TheMoreTheMerrier & #InterferonPower! Acetate derived from #microbiota is sensed by GPR43 & facilitates #NLRP3-dependent #MAVS aggregation on #mitochondria thus potentiating #IFN production & protecting against #IAV #influenza @NatureComms http://Doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-36323-4
#weekendread #themorethemerrier #interferonpower #microbiota #nlrp3 #mavs #mitochondria #IFN #iav #influenza
RT @Lo_Zanzi
#InterferonPower! Males -but not females- that recovered from mild #COVID19 become more responsive to the flu vaccine thanks to increased IL-15 release from #monocytes & potentiate production of #InterferonGamma by #Tcells! @Nature https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-05670-5
#interferonpower #covid19 #monocytes #interferongamma #Tcells
RT @Lo_Zanzi@twitter.com
#InterferonPower! Males -but not females- that recovered from mild #COVID19 become more responsive to the flu vaccine thanks to increased IL-15 release from #monocytes & potentiate production of #InterferonGamma by #Tcells! @Nature@twitter.com https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-05670-5
#interferonpower #COVID19 #monocytes #interferongamma #tcells
RT @Lo_Zanzi
#InterferonPower! R-loops are three-stranded nucleic acid structures formed during transcription. DNA-RNA hybrids in the cytoplasm are recognized by cGAS & TLR3 & induce IRF3 & #IFN signaling to sustain #autoimmunity, #neurodegeneration & #cancer! @Nature http://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-05545-9
#interferonpower #IFN #autoimmunity #neurodegeneration #cancer
RT @Lo_Zanzi@twitter.com
#WeekendReads! #WeAreWhatWeEat + #InterferonPower! Feng & friends show @CellReports@twitter.com that mice fed a grain diet survive #influenza infection, while mice fed an ultra-processed diet all died. #Interferon gamma blockade protected from mortality! https://www.cell.com/cell-reports/fulltext/S2211-1247(22)01509-1#%20
#Interferon #influenza #interferonpower #wearewhatweeat #weekendreads