Dave🌱 · @jibsaramnim
35 followers · 76 posts · Server fosstodon.org

This year's (Best in Show) color is very lovely. A slightly darker, metallic red. Last year's BiS paint was blue , which is what my (Mercury Star Runner) is in. I might want to trade "up" to this color though.

I think I was able to see every manufacturer's presentation this year, something I hadn't done before. I also took the opportunity to fly around or do a quick mission if I had the chance, which was a lot of fun.

#iae #bis #msr #starcitizen #intergalacticaerospaceexpo

Last updated 2 years ago

Dave🌱 · @jibsaramnim
24 followers · 51 posts · Server fosstodon.org

It's been fun to drop by to check out each company's presentation, even though I've mostly just quickly hopped online to run by them due to time constraints. I do try to take an extra 20 or 30 minutes when I can though.

I ended up getting the to replace the Pisces I had gotten earlier this year as my short-distance hopper. It's such a cute . Or a Bumblebee? Both. Space Minivan Bumblebee.

#intergalacticaerospaceexpo #IAE2952 #drakecutter #spaceminivan #starcitizen #gamingonlinux #fedora

Last updated 2 years ago

Dave🌱 · @jibsaramnim
24 followers · 51 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Now that the is out in PTU ahead of tomorrow's launch, I had to jump online and take a quick peek.

I don't play much so I always forget all the buttons, but I stumbled through and could fly for a bit and take a walk around the ship's interior.

It's such a nice ship! So much character. I am sure it has all kinds of downsides for serious players, but for me and my casual play style, this ship is so much fun.

#drakecorsair #intergalacticaerospaceexpo #starcitizen #iae

Last updated 2 years ago