BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
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Australia is at a turning point
250 years of extinctions and degradation is enough.
Every indicator on the environment is going in the wrong direction.

"The Henry review is the latest in a number reports that have found Australia’s natural environment is in peril. The five-yearly state of the environment released last year found it was in poor and deteriorating health due to pressure from climate change, habitat loss, invasive species, pollution and mining."

"Dr Ken Henry (Chair of the Australian Climate and Biodiversity Foundation) says NSW’s biodiversity laws are failing and must be overhauled to give nature protection primacy over l o g g i n g , mining and urban expansion....Australia’s environment must be given legal priority over land-clearing and logging to survive."

"He made the comments after leading a scathing review of the New South Wales Biodiversity Conservation Act, which said the laws were failing and were likely to never succeed unless they were overhauled to give n a t u r e p r o t e c t i o n primacy over development, logging, mining and urban expansion."

“Legislation that deals with rural lands and rural land-clearing, in particular, [but also] legislation that deals with planning, with f o r e s t r y , with mining – you name it, all of those other acts have p r i m a c y over the biodiversity and conservation act, and they are undermining its effectiveness..That’s the biggest problem."

"On nature, Henry’s recommendations included the creation of “no-go” zones in which land-clearing would be banned and major changes to the state’s biodiversity offset scheme, which was found to be “compromised”."

“Fix the biodiversity offset scheme, strengthen environmental protections and stop runaway land-clearing”.


#intergenerationaltragedy #offsetting #climate #logging #stoplogging #nativeforest #australia #policy #environment #law #biodiversity #extinction

Last updated 1 year ago