🌊 🌊 New Paper Out! 🌊 🌊
Led by Chris Brierley, our manuscript on Indian Ocean variability across the latest edition of various paleoclimate modeling intercomparison projects (#PMIP) is out in Climate of the Past (#CotP): https://cp.copernicus.org/articles/19/681/2023/cp-19-681-2023.pdf
We look at the consistency (& lack thereof) of simulated temperature responses & impacts on interannual hydroclimate changes over the Indian Ocean rim for the #midHolocene, #LGM, last #interglacial, and an abrupt 4 x COâ‚‚ simulation. #Paleoclimate #Climate #IndianOcean #ClimateSimulations #ClimateOfThePast #ClimateChange
#ClimateSimulations #PMIP #ClimateOfThePast #MidHolocene #lgm #interglacial #climatechange #CotP #paleoclimate #climate #indianocean
🌊 🌊 New Paper Out! 🌊 🌊
Led by Chris Brierley, our manuscript on Indian Ocean variability across the latest edition of various paleoclimate modeling intercomparison projects (#PMIP) is out in Climate of the Past (#CotP): https://cp.copernicus.org/articles/19/681/2023/cp-19-681-2023.pdf
We look at the consistency (or lack thereof) of simulated temperature responses & impacts on interannual hydroclimate changes over the Indian Ocean rim for the #midHolocene, #LGM, last #interglacial, and an abrupt 4 x COâ‚‚ simulation.
#PMIP #CotP #interglacial #MidHolocene #lgm
The Last 12,000 Years Show A More Complex Climate History Than Previously Thought
https://phys-org.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/phys.org/news/2022-10-years-complex-climate-history-previously.amp <-- shared article
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-33362-1 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #environmental #marine #climatechange #climate #future #model #modeling #Holocene #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #temperatures #history #surfacetemperature #dating #interglacial #epoch #climatemodel #globalmeantemperature #global #HoloceneTemperatureConundrum #ecosystems #regional #local
#gis #spatial #mapping #environmental #marine #climatechange #climate #future #model #modeling #Holocene #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #temperatures #history #surfacetemperature #dating #interglacial #epoch #climatemodel #globalmeantemperature #global #holocenetemperatureconundrum #ecosystems #regional #local