Do laws give people hints about which social groups they should like or dislike? Roseanna Sommers and I tackled this question in a recent article:
We randomized information about whether a group is or is not protected by antidiscrimination laws to determine whether being aware of such laws could change prejudice. [1/2]
#SocialPsychology #IntergroupBias @socialpsych
#socialpsychology #intergroupbias
Americans sometimes react dismissively toward both biracial people and bisexual people. Is this a coincidence, or is there something about being seen as "intermediate" that evokes a dismissive reaction?
In press: Distinctive negative reactions to intermediate social groups (with @sylviapperry, Jack Dovidio, and Marianne LaFrance). [1/4]
Data & materials on openICPSR:
#SocialPsychology #IntergroupBias @socialpsych
#socialpsychology #intergroupbias
Recent paper by Mackenzie Ess about hardworkingness and attitudes about socioeconomic status:
In a series of studies, participants said they really liked individual poor people as long as they were portrayed as unambiguously hardworking. But how does this relate to their impressions of poor people in general? [1/2]
#SocialPsychology #IntergroupBias @socialpsych
#socialpsychology #intergroupbias
When gay and straight people say they prefer not to date bisexual people, is it just an example of the general tendency to date people similar to oneself, or something more?
Mackenzie Ess and I tackled this question in a recent paper using self-report data that Marianne LaFrance and I collected in 2012. [1/2]
#SocialPsychology #IntergroupBias @socialpsych
#socialpsychology #intergroupbias
Ben Valen (@benmvalen) has work in progress about personality predictors of prejudice against people with nonbinary gender identities, and about how such prejudice may depend on the terms used to describe gender minority groups. They also have some research about how anticipation of stigma might affect the way same-gender couples experience public displays of affection.
#Introduction #SocialPsychology #IntergroupBias
#introduction #socialpsychology #intergroupbias
Minnie McMillian has work in progress exploring the consequences of the fact that Black men are seen as more prototypical targets of racial discrimination than Black women are, and she is also studying situations where knowing about discrimination causes stress even when it doesn't happen to you directly.
#Introduction #SocialPsychology #IntergroupBias
#introduction #socialpsychology #intergroupbias
Alexandria Jaurique (@allyjaurique) will soon share a report about the tendency for cisgender people to miscategorize transgender people. She also organized the Multi-university United States Election Study 2020 (MUSES-2020) to coordinate several controlled tests of attitude change surrounding the 2020 US presidential election.
#Introduction #SocialPsychology #IntergroupBias
#introduction #socialpsychology #intergroupbias
Mackenzie Ess has published about the distinctive role of "hard work" in prejudice against low-income people (separate post to come). She also has some work in progress about the effects of various labels on attitudes toward sexual minority groups and about what happens to perceived warmth and competence when race, class, and gender are all salient and the traditionally studied stereotypes about these dimensions don't match.
#Introduction #SocialPsychology #IntergroupBias
#introduction #socialpsychology #intergroupbias
I study prejudice, stereotypes, discrimination, and experiences of stigma. I want to understand variations in the way these phenomena operate when they target different groups, so I recruit students who are passionate about expanding the horizons of intergroup bias research. I will mention a selection of our work together, without attempting to be comprehensive.
Our lab website has more examples:
#Introduction #SocialPsychology #IntergroupBias @socialpsych
#introduction #socialpsychology #intergroupbias
Now for a more general #Introduction:
I am a social psychologist at Syracuse University. I think a lot about intergroup bias, statistics, and research methods, and these topics are primary in my research and teaching.
Over the next several days, I plan to post about examples of recent and ongoing research as well as educational resources about statistics.
#SyracuseUniversity #SocialPsychology #IntergroupBias #Statistics @socialpsych
#introduction #syracuseuniversity #socialpsychology #intergroupbias #statistics