Hi, just started using Mastodon. Interested in following pages and profiles on #forcedmigration, #peace and #conflict studies, #intergrouprelations, #kurdish issue and #kurdistan. I am a postdoc researcher at KU Leuven. My works are available at https://kuleuven.academia.edu/YasinDuman #Introduction #Introductions #intro
#intro #Introductions #Introduction #kurdistan #kurdish #intergrouprelations #conflict #Peace #ForcedMigration
The psychology of asymmetric zero-sum beliefs https://www.ethicalpsychology.com/2023/06/the-psychology-of-asymmetric-zero-sum.html #interpersonalrelations #IntergroupRelations #perceivedthreat #zero-sumbeliefs #Conflict
#interpersonalrelations #intergrouprelations #perceivedthreat #zero #conflict
Improving intergroup relations: (You can lead a horse to water…)
Interventions that are designed to improve intergroup relations won't work if people don't engage with them. This new paper considers multiple methods of “getting the target audience on board.”
Preprint: https://psyarxiv.com/e5bcu/
#IntergroupRelations #Motivation
#motivation #intergrouprelations #Intervention #socialscience #socialpsychology
Calling all #SocialPsychology and #PersonalityPsychology #GradStudents ! Are you interested in #Emotion , #Health #SelfRegulation , #IntergroupRelations or #Religion ? Apply for #SISPP (Summer Institute for Social and Personality Psychology)! I attended in 2017 and it was perhaps the best thing I did in grad school. I am happy to chat with folks about my experience! https://spsp.org/professional-development/training-programs/summer-institute-social-and-personality-psychology-sispp/sispp-2023
#SISPP #religion #intergrouprelations #selfregulation #health #emotion #gradstudents #PersonalityPsychology #socialpsychology