Die Jahrestagung „#Paratexte des Populären“ des SFB Transformationen des Populären (@sfb1472) wird vom 4. bis 6. Oktober 2023 an der Universität Siegen stattfinden.
📌Weitere Informationen + Programm:
https://avldigital.de/de/vernetzen/details/event/paratexte-des-popularen-sfb-transformationen-des-popularen-universitat-siegen/ #fidavlnews @litstudies @germanistik @italianstudies #Intermediality #LiteraryTheory #LiteratureGenre #Poetics
#paratexte #fidavlnews #intermediality #literarytheory #literaturegenre #poetics
Das Nachwuchskolleg „Texte. Zeichen. Medien.“ an der Universität Erfurt (#unierfurt) offeriert zum 1. Januar 2024 Stipendien zur Förderung von Promotionsvorhaben.
🗓️Bewerbungsfrist: 30. September 2023
📌Weitere Informationen:
https://avldigital.de/de/vernetzen/details/job/promotionsstipendien-am-nachwuchskolleg-texte-zeichen-medien-universitat-erfurt/ #fidavlnews @litstudies @litstudies @germanistik #Intermediality
#unierfurt #fidavlnews #intermediality
#CfP für die #Tagung "#Poetry, Music and Sound Art: Recent Medial Correlations” des ERC-Projekts „Poetry in the Digital Age“, die vom 20. bis 22. Juni 2024 im Warburg-Haus in Hamburg (#WarburgHaus) stattfinden wird.
🗓️Deadline für Abstracts: 29. September 2023
📌 Weitere Informationen:
https://avldigital.de/de/vernetzen/details/callforpapers/call-for-papers-poetry-music-and-sound-art-recent-medial-correlations-hamburg-june-20-22-202/ #fidavlnews @litstudies @germanistik @italianstudies #Intermediality #LiteratureMusic #LiteratureDigital #DigitalHumanities #Poetry
#cfp #tagung #poetry #WarburgHaus #fidavlnews #intermediality #literaturemusic #literaturedigital #digitalhumanities
#CfP for the #conference "Social and #Environmental (In)Justice in Discourse & in the #Literary/Artistic Imagination", which will take place at the Ecole Normale Supérieure of the University of Tunis on November 8-10, 2023.
🗓️Deadline for Abstracts: September 4, 2023
📌Further Information:
https://avldigital.de/de/vernetzen/details/callforpapers/social-and-environmental-injustice-in-discourse-in-the-literaryartistic-imagination/ #ecocriticism #avldigitalnews @litstudies @germanistik @italianstudies #Postcolonial #Intermediality
#cfp #conference #environmental #literary #ecocriticism #avldigitalnews #Postcolonial #intermediality
@inquiline I hope you can. It was transformative to, as you say, enter into the lived life of global capitalism’s networks. The ship was docked in SJ harbour. It sent a cabined powerboat for us. I also remember the complex logistical charts on the walls of the local booking office for the shipping company (which tanker where when carrying what.) I would think those are gone now and the details only online, as distinct from online *and* on paper, as then. #mediaecology #intermediality
#CfP for the #conference "Conceptualizing #Sacred Languages and Their Visual Inimitability", which will take place at the University of London (#SOAS) on December 7 and 8, 2023.
🗓️Deadline for Abstracts: August 31, 2023
📌Further Information: https://avldigital.de/de/vernetzen/details/callforpapers/conceptualizing-sacred-languages-and-their-visual-inimitability/ #fidavlnews @litstudies #LiteratureReligion #Intermediality #WorldLiterature
#cfp #conference #sacred #soas #fidavlnews #literaturereligion #intermediality #WorldLiterature
#CfP for the #panel "Pregnancy Loss in #Contemporary Literature and Film", which will take place at the Northeast Modern Languages Association (#NeMLA #northeastMLA) convention in Boston on March 7-10, 2024.
🗓️Deadline for Abstracts: September 30, 2023
📌Further Information:
https://avldigital.de/de/vernetzen/details/callforpapers/pregnancy-loss-in-contemporary-literature-and-film-nemla-2024-boston/ #fidavlnews @litstudies @germanistik @italianstudies #Gender #Intermediality
#cfp #panel #contemporary #nemla #northeastmla #fidavlnews #gender #intermediality
#CfP for the #panel "“Stone Walls Do Not a Prison Make”: The Prison(er) in Literature and Film", which will take place at the Northeast Modern Languages Association (#NeMLA #northeastMLA) convention in Boston on March 7-10, 2024.
🗓️Deadline for Abstracts: September 30, 2023
📌Further Information
https://avldigital.de/de/vernetzen/details/callforpapers/stone-walls-do-not-a-prison-make-the-prisoner-in-literature-and-film-nemla-2024-boston/ #fidavlnews @litstudies @germanistik @italianstudies #Intermediality
#cfp #panel #nemla #northeastmla #fidavlnews #intermediality
Hooray for pandemic co-authoring fun stuff via Zoom! Here's an article on the TV series Dickinson that I wrote with Maria Sulimma for a special issue of Arts, called New Perspectives on Pop Culture, co-edited by Daniel Stein and Niels Werber. This piece has been taking shape for a while, but it came together despite how busy and/or ill we've been, and now it's up online and open access.
#TelevisionStudies #TV #Television #PopCulture #CulturalStudies #Remix #Intermediality #Multimodal #Poetry #LiteraryHistory #Biopic #Dickinson #AppleTV+
@television @communicationscholars @litstudies @poetry @histodons
#TelevisionStudies #tv #television #popculture #culturalstudies #remix #intermediality #multimodal #poetry #literaryhistory #biopic #dickinson #appletv
Photos were, of course, already a thing in 1883. Little paper products. Here you see contemporary famous painters advertising their art and themselves in a photographic product: so-called "cartes de visite". These were small photographs patented in 1854 by André Adolphe Eugène Disdéri.
An #intermediality affair. #mediahistory
Interested in the #intermediality of early modern communication? Have a look, we recently published a special issue on the topic exploring #intermediality as a concept for early modern media and #communicationhistory, with an open access introduction, and lots of quality chapters that will be open access soon.
Special Issue: https://www.francoangeli.it/riviste/rivista-fascicolo?IDRivista=187&lingua=En&anno=2021
Introduction: https://www.francoangeli.it/rivista/getArticoloFree/71598/It
#intermediality #communicationhistory #bookhistory #mediahistory #histodons
Interested in the #intermediality of early modern communication? Have a look, we recently published a special issue on the topic exploring #intermediality as a concept for early modern media and #communicationhistory, with an open access introduction, and lots of quality chapters that will be open access soon.
Special Issue: https://www.francoangeli.it/riviste/rivista-fascicolo?IDRivista=187&lingua=En&anno=2021
Introduction: https://www.francoangeli.it/rivista/getArticoloFree/71598/It
#intermediality #communicationhistory #bookhistory #mediahistory #histodons