@crunchysteve Thanks Steve, I appreciate and completely feel what you’re saying and have been helped often by wonderful folks above my ability level. But also wanting to find people somewhere in the universe of where I’m at. Which is open chords, barre chords, strumming variations, some beginner lead and some theory. It’s a great journey and looking for folks in that range. #beginningguitar #intermediateguitar #learningguitar #guitar
#guitar #learningguitar #intermediateguitar #beginningguitar
1: Something I’ve been really worried about happening might not happen after all.
2: Making early progress figuring out how lead guitar works.
3: Appreciate that I started late enough in life learning guitar that I’ll never be bored or jaded learning it for the rest of my life.
#beginningguitar #intermediateguitar
#intermediateguitar #beginningguitar #3goodthings #reasonstobecheerful
Late night performances but where they split screen to see what the 3 guitarists are doing and never cut away to the singer. #guitar #beginnerguitar #intermediateguitar #learningguitar #music
#Music #learningguitar #intermediateguitar #beginnerguitar #guitar
@AlienAnomaly Surprised here too. Thought maybe one had popped up in the meantime. #music #musicians #guitar #intermediateguitar #beginningguitar #musictheory (worth a try:)
#musictheory #beginningguitar #intermediateguitar #guitar #Musicians #Music
@11neilc1 Hello. Long time guitar learner and new to Mast/Fediverse just now getting around to lists so added you to my Guitar list. Not sure how we all talk yet but if anyone else is interested favorite or retoot or whatever and I’ll add.
Would say I’m beginner to intermediate, now getting to learn chords up the neck and triads, a little theory, a lot of youtube lessons all over the place. #learningguitar #guitarlearner #beginnnerguitar #intermediateguitar
#intermediateguitar #beginnnerguitar #guitarlearner #learningguitar