On #InternalizedMisogyny & why it's harmful:
What unconscious messages are hiding in your mind?
One of the most important things you can do for your overall wellness is to think about your internalized messages. There are several components to the messages about ourselves that we take to our subconscious, and all of them deserve examining. Doi
#hiddenbias #internalizedableism #internalizedfatphobia #internalizedmisogyny #subconsciousmessages
#hiddenbias #internalizedableism #InternalizedFatphobia #internalizedmisogyny #subconsciousmessages
Related #RecommendedReading on #InternalizedOppression - which is the big umbrella for #InternalizedMisogyny aka #InternalizedSexism , #InternalizedRacism & it's helped #colonialism , #patriarchy & #capitalism breed & fester.
#EducationIsKey #KnowledgeIsPower #Decolonization #EducateYourself #ReadAboutIt #Learning #KnowBetterDoBetter #AntiOppression #FreeYourMind #DecolonizeYourMind
#recommendedreading #internalizedoppression #internalizedmisogyny #internalizedsexism #internalizedracism #colonialism #patriarchy #capitalism #educationiskey #knowledgeispower #decolonization #educateyourself #readaboutit #learning #knowbetterdobetter #antioppression #freeyourmind #decolonizeyourmind
Before I deleted my Facebook, had many #misogynistic men (& women with #InternalizedMisogyny ) try to #insult me when they couldn't back their own words up on #political #discourse - by calling me a #lesbian . I'm not a lesbian but calling me one is far from an insult. It's just weak & ignorant hateful people who believe it's an insult. These are the same kind of folks who call me a racist when I bring up anti-racism issues too 🙃🤡
#misogynistic #internalizedmisogyny #insult #political #discourse #lesbian