Cracking thing to highlight; thank you. And #intel's #graphics card #drivers want to know about #websites you visit, and lots of other #metadata.
Perhaps now is the hour of #linux and #BSD and other potentially #surveillance free &/or #openSource &/or #selfHosted #infrastructure to shine!
Although someone might need to lay some groundwork with some #stoic #philosophy or #authors and promote an #internalLocusOfControl among the gen pop, first 🤪
#Seneca #MarcusAurelius #AntoineDeSaintExupery #RoaldDahl #TELawrence #Diogenes #openBSD #Nextcloud
#dataGrab #joinTheKnitYourOwnCheeseBrigade 😉
#jointheknityourowncheesebrigade #datagrab #nextcloud #openbsd #diogenes #telawrence #roalddahl #antoinedesaintexupery #marcusaurelius #seneca #internallocusofcontrol #authors #philosophy #stoic #infrastructure #selfhosted #opensource #surveillance #bsd #linux #metadata #websites #drivers #graphics #intel
Thanks for sharing this. As Ukraine makes more effective acts of self-defence, it is important to consider Russia's military reaction. Robust air defence is key to protecting everyone in Ukraine against #retaliation by Russia. Recent events have shown us how terribly violent and untargeted such retaliation can be when wrought by Russia.
If anyone knows someone who has any clout with the population of #Australia and/or #Japan (non #NATO countries whose populations respect the rule of universal law, and are aghast to see such brutal interference in another nation's #sovereignty) now may be the time for us, on bended knee, to beg consideration of the sale or donation of #FA18 (Au) or #F15 (Jp) to Ukraine, or to an intermediary who might see them refurbished and put to use so that other aircraft could be made available to Ukraine.
These measures are not without cost - both monetary and political. Ukraine is one of the only nuclear powers who held a delivery system ready, to ever have gone through #NuclearDisarmament. It is incumbent upon anyone who wants to provide future generations, and the #environment they inherit, with a credible pathway to global #nuclear disarmament to ask: "what can we as individuals do for, or give to, those countries and people we would ask for help?".
#InternalLocusOfControl #StriveToHonourTheRightToLifeOfNonCombatants
#budapestmemorandum #nuclear #strivetohonourtherighttolifeofnoncombatants #environment #internallocusofcontrol #NuclearDisarmament #f15 #fa18 #sovereignty #nato #japan #australia #retaliation