"not gay as in happy but ace as in gives no fucks"
#internationalaceday #InternationalAsexualityDay
It's #internationalaceday
I'm demi if that counts and it's been a journey discovering this side of myself. I was hurt a few times along the way but I will stand firm to who I am ❤️
For someone that draws a lot of NSFWs, a lot of ppl can't believe that I'm ace. That's understandable tho. It's quite complicated.
I'm even confused of myself but I know I'm a part of it.
At least I know I'm valid and loved by so many. That's what matters.
Heeeeeey I didn't know we had a day. This seriously makes me all warm and squishy inside!
Aaaaaal the hash tags, but the top one seems to be the most widely used.
Serious talk: It's easy to feel broken as an Ace person. We are NOT broken! We are different, and being different is awesome! I celebrate our differences and I think we all should.
Sexuality is... weird, complicated and can literally make no fucking sense! Know that you don't have to conform to a label. If you want to use a label use one that you feel bets fits YOU, not one that you feel you best fit into.
I struggle with my sexuality and especially my aromantic side, like ALOT, and I think that's OK. I think I'll be "figuring things out" for maybe the rest of my life.
#internationalasexualityday #internationalaceday #asexualvisibilityday
Happy #InternationalAceDay! My background for work conference calls is not particularly subtle 🙂
Today is #InternationalAceDay, so let's talk about sex. Seems counterintuitive, right? Asexual = No Sex. Well, it's a lot more nuanced than that.
Some asexuals are indeed sex-averse. Not interested, don't even want to hear about it. Others (like me) are sex-positive - they enjoy it in specific situations, don't mind hearing about it, but it may be peripheral to their lives. Some are sex-averse sometimes, sex-positive others. All of these are valid, and all fall under the ace umbrella.
It's International Asexuality Day.
That also includes Demisexuals, Grey-Asexuals and others.
Remember, you are valid.
from one of them there horny asexuals, ace doesn't always mean devoid of sex, it can be lack of attraction too, gray ace exists, i'm still ace #InternationalAceDay