Today I have been packing my home at And I cannot go without re-tooting my most famous ever...6 boosts 7 favourites
Fun fact. Carrots were originally grown for their leaves, and the roots were white or even purple. The orange colour was developed later, maybe to prevent the excitement of purple carrot cake - or the sadness of a snowman with a nose that does not shine out brightly?
#carrot #InternationalCarrotDay
(original toot 4 April 2023)
farewell @ralf - and thanks
#carrot #internationalcarrotday
5 April 2023
#InternationalCarrotDay - retooted.
Thank you to all of you, and I do mean all, who took the time and the trouble to boost or to favourite my simple little toot about the carrot yesterday. It means a lot to me, more than I may ever be able to tell you, and it encourages me even more than that; for when I grew up I was repeatedly told that nobody would ever want to hear what I had to say, or read what I was trying to write.
#internationalcarrotday #carrot #thankyou #encouragement #friendship
4 April 2023
Fun fact. Carrots were originally grown for their leaves, and the roots were white or even purple. The orange colour was developed later, maybe to prevent the excitement of purple carrot cake - or the sadness of a snowman with a nose that does not shine out brightly?
In honour of today, and of my latest follow, possibly the most charming mouse on mastodon - @Minimus - I hereby boost the toot of himself gnawing one.
#internationalcarrotday #carrot #fun
#holidays #WorldRatDay, #DayForMineAwarenessAndAssistanceInMineAction, #InternationalCarrotDay, #CordonBleuDay, #SexualAssaultAwarenessMonthDayOfAction, #WalkAroundThingsDay, #TellALieDay, #HugANewspersonDay, #VictimsOfViolenceWhollyDay, #VitaminCDay, #Jeep4x4Day, #404Day
#holidays #worldratday #dayformineawarenessandassistanceinmineaction #internationalcarrotday #cordonbleuday #sexualassaultawarenessmonthdayofaction #walkaroundthingsday #tellalieday #huganewspersonday #victimsofviolencewhollyday #vitamincday #jeep4x4day #404day
#holidays #WorldRatDay, #DayForMineAwarenessAndAssistanceInMineAction, #InternationalCarrotDay, #CordonBleuDay, #SexualAssaultAwarenessMonthDayOfAction, #WalkAroundThingsDay, #TellALieDay, #HugANewspersonDay, #VictimsOfViolenceWhollyDay, #VitaminCDay, #Jeep4x4Day, #404Day
#holidays #worldratday #dayformineawarenessandassistanceinmineaction #internationalcarrotday #cordonbleuday #sexualassaultawarenessmonthdayofaction #walkaroundthingsday #tellalieday #huganewspersonday #victimsofviolencewhollyday #vitamincday #jeep4x4day #404day
Daily #Hashtags for April
01 #AprilFoolsDay #WalktoWorkDay
02 #WorldAutismAwarenessDay
03 #FindaRainbowDay #WorldPartyDay
04 #InternationalCarrotDay #InternationalDayforMineAwareness #WorldRatDay
05 #NationalMaritimeDay
06 #NationalWalkingDay #SiameseCatDay
07 #GoodFriday #WorldHealthDay #NationalBeerDay
08 #DayofSilence
09 #EasterSunday
10 #NationalHugYourDogDay #FarmAnimalsDay #SiblingsDay #WorldHomeopathyDay
11 #NationalPetDay #NationalSafeMotherhoodDay
12 #InternationalDayofHumanSpaceFlight #LibraryWorkersDay
13 #InternationalPlantAppreciationDay
14 #NationalGardeningDay #LookUpattheSkyDay
15 #TitanicRemembranceDay #WorldArtDay
16 #HusbandAppreciationDay #NationalLibrarianDay
17 #InternationalHaikuPoetryDay #WorldHaemophiliaDay
18 #WorldHeritageDay
19 #WorldLiverDay
20 #NationalLookAlikeDay
21 #HighFiveDay
22 #EarthDay
23 #WorldBookDay #NationalPicnicDay #ShakespeareDay #EnglishLanguageDay
24 #WorldLaboratoryDay
25 #ANZACDay #NationalDNADay #WorldMalariaDay
26 #WorldIntellectualPropertyDay
27 #TellaStoryDay
28 #StopFoodWasteDay #WorldDayforSafetyandHealthatWork
29 #InternationalDanceDay #NationalArborDay
30 #InternationalJazzDay #HonestyDay #WorldVeterinaryDay
#hashtags #aprilfoolsday #walktoworkday #worldautismawarenessday #findarainbowday #worldpartyday #internationalcarrotday #internationaldayformineawareness #worldratday #nationalmaritimeday #nationalwalkingday #siamesecatday #goodfriday #worldhealthday #nationalbeerday #dayofsilence #eastersunday #nationalhugyourdogday #farmanimalsday #siblingsday #worldhomeopathyday #nationalpetday #nationalsafemotherhoodday #InternationalDayofHumanSpaceFlight #libraryworkersday #internationalplantappreciationday #nationalgardeningday #lookupattheskyday #titanicremembranceday #worldartday #husbandappreciationday #nationallibrarianday #internationalhaikupoetryday #worldhaemophiliaday #worldheritageday #worldliverday #nationallookalikeday #highfiveday #earthday #worldbookday #nationalpicnicday #shakespeareday #englishlanguageday #worldlaboratoryday #anzacday #nationaldnaday #WorldMalariaDay #WorldIntellectualPropertyDay #tellastoryday #stopfoodwasteday #WorldDayForSafetyAndHealthAtWork #internationaldanceday #nationalarborday #internationaljazzday #honestyday #worldveterinaryday