Today is #InternationalChildhoodCancerDay and you can be the difference for children and their families by joing the #ChildhoodCancer fight.
$50 funds one hour of research, and every hour matters.
Follow the link for easy ways to support Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, a charity my family supports.
they have a 97% rating on
#internationalchildhoodcancerday #childhoodcancer #ALSF
Der 15.02. ist der Internationale Kinderkrebstag.
Infos unter:
#internationalerkinderkrebstag #InternationalChildhoodCancerDay
#internationalerkinderkrebstag #internationalchildhoodcancerday
On #InternationalChildhoodCancerDay, meet our ITCC-P4 project, which is developing research tools to make it easier to study 10 common childhood cancers and test treatments for them
#EUHealthResearch #H2020 #ICCD2023
#internationalchildhoodcancerday #EUHealthResearch #h2020 #iccd2023