For #InternationalChildrensBookDay, "Before I Grew Up" – a remarkable illustrated elegy of life, loss, our search for light, and loneliness as the crucible of creativity
It's #InternationalChildrensBookDay - and you could help us make sure that no child misses out on the joy of books and stories.
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It's #InternationalChildrensBookDay today to mark the birth of Hans Christian Andersen!
From The Ugly Ducking to The Little Mermaid and The Princess and the Pea, he shared many of the fairy tales we know so well... but which is your favourite?
Pic: Lauren Child & Polly Borland
It's #InternationalChildrensBookDay!
Luckily, there are some absolutely awesome books out at the moment to help us celebrate - here are the ones we're obsessed with in April:
Pic: Anneli Bray
Today is #internationalchildrensbookday but I read children's books most days. Some of my current faves: Odder by the amazing #katherineapplegate, The Animal Rescue Agency by #eliotschrefer, and The Last Cuentista.
#internationalchildrensbookday #katherineapplegate #eliotschrefer
For #InternationalChildrensBookDay, the bittersweet true story of the real-life peaceful bull who inspired one of the tenderest and most beloved children's books of all time
The Scar – for #InternationalChildrensBookDay, a tender illustrated French meditation on healing after loss
Pablo Neruda's "Book of Questions," turned into a picture-book by the granddaughter of one of his friends #InternationalChildrensBookDay
🎉 Let's celebrate #InternationalChildrensBookDay with the storybook ʻTreasure Hunt on the Farmʼ! Join Tom and Anna on a fun day on the farm, learning lots of new things. Download it now in all the EU official languages!
👉!XJXj4y @EUAgri
Happy #InternationalChildrensBookDay!
#AlmostNothingYetEverything #HiroshiOsada #Bookstodon @mariapopova
From: @mariapopova
#internationalchildrensbookday #almostnothingyeteverything #hiroshiosada #bookstodon
Almost Nothing, yet Everything – a stunning Japanese illustrated poem about water and the wonder of life #InternationalChildrensBookDay
Today is International Children's Book Day, World Autism Acceptance Day, and the birthday of my current Special Interest protagonist, Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875).
#InternationalChildrensBookDay #IBBY #WorldAutismAcceptanceDay #AutismAcceptanceDay #WAAD #HansChristianAndersen #Autistic #ActuallyAutistic #AutisticPride #WeirdPride #SpecialInterest #SpecialInterests #Authors #ScandinavianAuthors #DanishAuthors #RejectionSensitiveDysphoria #RSD
#internationalchildrensbookday #IBBY #worldautismacceptanceday #autismacceptanceday #waad #hanschristianandersen #autistic #actuallyautistic #AutisticPride #WeirdPride #SpecialInterest #specialinterests #authors #scandinavianauthors #danishauthors #rejectionsensitivedysphoria #rsd
#holidays #InternationalChildrensBookDay, #InternationalFactCheckingDay, #WorldAutismAwarenessDay / #LightItUpBlue, #NationalLoveYourProduceManagerDay, #NationalPeanutButterAndJellyDay, #NationalFerretDay, #ReconciliationDay, #GeologistsDay, #PalmSunday
#holidays #internationalchildrensbookday #internationalfactcheckingday #worldautismawarenessday #lightitupblue #nationalloveyourproducemanagerday #nationalpeanutbutterandjellyday #nationalferretday #reconciliationday #geologistsday #palmsunday
#holidays #InternationalChildrensBookDay, #InternationalFactCheckingDay, #WorldAutismAwarenessDay / #LightItUpBlue, #NationalLoveYourProduceManagerDay, #NationalPeanutButterAndJellyDay, #NationalFerretDay, #ReconciliationDay, #GeologistsDay, #PalmSunday
#holidays #internationalchildrensbookday #internationalfactcheckingday #worldautismawarenessday #lightitupblue #nationalloveyourproducemanagerday #nationalpeanutbutterandjellyday #nationalferretday #reconciliationday #geologistsday #palmsunday
Great children's books are really portable works of philosophy. On #InternationalChildrensBookDay, revisiting this French masterpiece about loneliness, belonging, and how friendship transforms us
#InternationalChildrensBookDay today! Discover our 'Kids’ corner' on @EUPublications for Europe's younger citizens. Find #GoodReads and other materials on all kinds of topics including climate change and digital ethics. Happy reading and fun discoveries!!DB48Nb
#internationalchildrensbookday #goodreads
Hättet ihr gedacht, dass wir im Bestand der UB auch Kinder- und Jugendliteratur haben? 📚Zum heutigen Internationalen Kinderbuchtag haben wir euch eine kleine Auswahl an vorhandener Kinder- und Jugendliteratur zusammengestellt. Der Aktionstag wird anlässlich des Geburtstages von Hans Christian Andersen am 02. April eines jeden Jahres gefeiert. /cs #ubosnabrueck #internationalerkinderbuchtag #internationalchildrensbookday
#ubosnabrueck #internationalerkinderbuchtag #internationalchildrensbookday
Międzynarodowy Dzień Książki dla Dzieci
Dzisiaj (2. kwietnia) przypada Międzynarodowy Dzień Książki dla Dzieci. Święto, ustanowione w dniu urodzin Hansa Christiana Andersena, ma na celu promowanie czytelnictwa wśród najmłodszych. Tego dnia organizowane są dla dzieci i rodziców wydarzenia literackie, spotkania z autorami oraz różnego rodzaju warsztaty.[…]
#Fahrenheit_zin #IBBY #MiędzynarodowyDzieńKsiążkidlaDzieci #InternationalChildrensBookDay #MiędzynarodowaIzbadsKsiążekdlaMłodychLudzi #InternationalBoardonBooksforYoungPeople #HansChristianAndersen
#fahrenheit_zin #ibby #miedzynarodowydzienksiazkidladzieci #internationalchildrensbookday #miedzynarodowaizbadsksiazekdlamlodychludzi #internationalboardonbooksforyoungpeople #hanschristianandersen
📚Tomorrow marks International Children’s Book Day! 🤩Let’s promote literacy and inspire reading with young kids! 📚Check out our Kids' Corner for some awesome reads! 👉!VQRdhc
#InternationalCrowandRavenAppreciationDay #internationalchildrensbookday
Conspiracy of Ravens is a Middle Grade Graphic Novel about corvids and magical school girls
#InternationalCrowandRavenAppreciationDay #internationalchildrensbookday