Lauantain päivätanssien 30 minuutin alkuveryttelyt tiivistettynä 30 sekuntiin. 🕺🎶
#DJ #PioneerDJ #Cascadeus #musadontti #musiikki #timelapse #video #etkot #PreShow #striimaus #streaming #tanssinpäivä #DanceDay #InternationalDanceDay
#internationaldanceday #danceday #tanssinpaiva #streaming #striimaus #preshow #etkot #video #timelapse #musiikki #musadontti #cascadeus #pioneerdj #dj
always needed to know what dance to do when mom gives me dino nuggies
Originally posted by: Twitch /
RT @UCL_Holocaust
On this #InternationalDanceDay we remember Jewish ballerina Franciszka Manheimer-Rosenberg, known as Franceska Mann.
She arrived at Auschwitz on Oct 23 1943 & multiple interpretations of her defiance & revolt have endured.
Learn more: RT @hmccord78
'the moral of the story is, is we're here on earth to fart around. and, of course, the computers will do us out of that. and, what the computer people don't realize, or they don't care, is we're dancing animals. you know, we love to move around. and, we're not supposed to dance at all anymore.' - kurt vonnegut #InternationalDanceDay
Tanssin teemapäivään kuului lennokkaat levytanssit. Kyllä #DJ’lläkin pulssi nousee ja paita kastuu, kun muutaman tunnin touhuaa ja tanssahtelee työpisteen ääressä. Palkinnoksi Applen aktiivisuushaasteen suorittamisesta sai tänään Travolta -pinssin. 🕺
#PioneerDJ #Cascadeus #musadontti #striimaus #streaming #tanssi #tanssinpäivä #dance #DanceDay #InternationalDanceDay #AppleWatch #ActivityChallenge
#activitychallenge #applewatch #internationaldanceday #danceday #dance #tanssinpaiva #tanssi #streaming #striimaus #musadontti #cascadeus #pioneerdj #dj
Happy #InternationalDanceDay! I ❤️ Flamenco!
#cartoon #illustration #ipad #affinitydesigner #DigitalArt #internationaldanceday
All you need is fun dance music to play the "freeze game" and to learn to practice self-control! 💃 #InternationalDanceDay
Original tweet :
Journée internationale de la danse
Kaija Saariaho. Maa. Suite pour ballet.
The #DanceYourPhD competition challenges scientists around the world to explain their research through the most jargon-free medium available: interpretive dance.
🏅 Check out this year's winners on #InternationalDanceDay: #press
#danceyourphd #internationaldanceday #press
#holidays #WorldTaiChiAndQigongDay, #WorldWishDay, #WorldVeterinaryDay, #WorldHealingDay, #InternationalDanceDay, #IndependentBookstoreDay, #NationalPrescriptionDrugTakeBackDay, #NationalSenseOfSmellDay, #NationalShrimpScampiDay, #NationalRebuildingDay, #DayToRememberChemicalWarfareVictims, #WeJumpTheWorldDay, #SaveTheFrogsDay, #ViralVideoDay, #ZipperDay
#holidays #worldtaichiandqigongday #worldwishday #worldveterinaryday #worldhealingday #internationaldanceday #independentbookstoreday #nationalprescriptiondrugtakebackday #nationalsenseofsmellday #nationalshrimpscampiday #nationalrebuildingday #daytorememberchemicalwarfarevictims #wejumptheworldday #savethefrogsday #viralvideoday #zipperday
#holidays #WorldTaiChiAndQigongDay, #WorldWishDay, #WorldVeterinaryDay, #WorldHealingDay, #InternationalDanceDay, #IndependentBookstoreDay, #NationalPrescriptionDrugTakeBackDay, #NationalSenseOfSmellDay, #NationalShrimpScampiDay, #NationalRebuildingDay, #DayToRememberChemicalWarfareVictims, #WeJumpTheWorldDay, #SaveTheFrogsDay, #ViralVideoDay, #ZipperDay
#holidays #worldtaichiandqigongday #worldwishday #worldveterinaryday #worldhealingday #internationaldanceday #independentbookstoreday #nationalprescriptiondrugtakebackday #nationalsenseofsmellday #nationalshrimpscampiday #nationalrebuildingday #daytorememberchemicalwarfarevictims #wejumptheworldday #savethefrogsday #viralvideoday #zipperday
Happy #InternationalDanceDay!
#Kulturtipp: #CATEGORIES
Projekttheater Dresden
Sa/So. 29/30.4. 23, 20:00
Performance des Künstlerkollektivs Atmadhvani mit dem Tänzer Charles Washington. Gemeinsam widmen sie sich choreografisch, musikalisch und performativ den Gegensätzlichkeiten, Ergänzungen und (Un-)Vereinbarkeiten von „Kategorien“.
#dresden #thinkdifferent #tanzfestival #inklusiv #dance #dancer #photography #portrait #kulturphoto #liveperformance #stagephotography #clubbing #theater #music
#music #theater #clubbing #stagephotography #liveperformance #kulturphoto #portrait #photography #dancer #dance #inklusiv #tanzfestival #thinkdifferent #dresden #categories #Kulturtipp #internationaldanceday
29 April #InternationalDanceDay. #Etruscan dancers on tomb #frescoes #Paestum Italy.
#internationaldanceday #Etruscan #frescoes #paestum
Daily #Hashtags for April
01 #AprilFoolsDay #WalktoWorkDay
02 #WorldAutismAwarenessDay
03 #FindaRainbowDay #WorldPartyDay
04 #InternationalCarrotDay #InternationalDayforMineAwareness #WorldRatDay
05 #NationalMaritimeDay
06 #NationalWalkingDay #SiameseCatDay
07 #GoodFriday #WorldHealthDay #NationalBeerDay
08 #DayofSilence
09 #EasterSunday
10 #NationalHugYourDogDay #FarmAnimalsDay #SiblingsDay #WorldHomeopathyDay
11 #NationalPetDay #NationalSafeMotherhoodDay
12 #InternationalDayofHumanSpaceFlight #LibraryWorkersDay
13 #InternationalPlantAppreciationDay
14 #NationalGardeningDay #LookUpattheSkyDay
15 #TitanicRemembranceDay #WorldArtDay
16 #HusbandAppreciationDay #NationalLibrarianDay
17 #InternationalHaikuPoetryDay #WorldHaemophiliaDay
18 #WorldHeritageDay
19 #WorldLiverDay
20 #NationalLookAlikeDay
21 #HighFiveDay
22 #EarthDay
23 #WorldBookDay #NationalPicnicDay #ShakespeareDay #EnglishLanguageDay
24 #WorldLaboratoryDay
25 #ANZACDay #NationalDNADay #WorldMalariaDay
26 #WorldIntellectualPropertyDay
27 #TellaStoryDay
28 #StopFoodWasteDay #WorldDayforSafetyandHealthatWork
29 #InternationalDanceDay #NationalArborDay
30 #InternationalJazzDay #HonestyDay #WorldVeterinaryDay
#hashtags #aprilfoolsday #walktoworkday #worldautismawarenessday #findarainbowday #worldpartyday #internationalcarrotday #internationaldayformineawareness #worldratday #nationalmaritimeday #nationalwalkingday #siamesecatday #goodfriday #worldhealthday #nationalbeerday #dayofsilence #eastersunday #nationalhugyourdogday #farmanimalsday #siblingsday #worldhomeopathyday #nationalpetday #nationalsafemotherhoodday #InternationalDayofHumanSpaceFlight #libraryworkersday #internationalplantappreciationday #nationalgardeningday #lookupattheskyday #titanicremembranceday #worldartday #husbandappreciationday #nationallibrarianday #internationalhaikupoetryday #worldhaemophiliaday #worldheritageday #worldliverday #nationallookalikeday #highfiveday #earthday #worldbookday #nationalpicnicday #shakespeareday #englishlanguageday #worldlaboratoryday #anzacday #nationaldnaday #WorldMalariaDay #WorldIntellectualPropertyDay #tellastoryday #stopfoodwasteday #WorldDayForSafetyAndHealthAtWork #internationaldanceday #nationalarborday #internationaljazzday #honestyday #worldveterinaryday
Since today is #InternationalDanceDay, I wanted to share a few brief notes on drawing ballet dancers that I think could be useful for artists out there. Enjoy!
Since today is #InternationalDanceDay, I wanted to share a few brief notes on drawing ballet dancers that I think could be useful for artists out there. Enjoy!
Since today is #InternationalDanceDay, I wanted to share a few brief notes on drawing ballet dancers that I think could be useful for artists out there. Enjoy!
Since today is #InternationalDanceDay, I wanted to share a few brief notes on drawing ballet dancers that I think could be useful for artists out there. Enjoy!