RT @drclairemurray
A reminder on #internationaldayofwomeninscience that women are here for the other 364/365 days of the year and that you can cite us, hype us, nominate us, celebrate us, promote us, quote us, and listen to us then too.
RT @drclairemurray
A reminder on #internationaldayofwomeninscience that women are here for the other 364/365 days of the year and that you can cite us, hype us, nominate us, celebrate us, promote us, quote us, and listen to us then too.
Today is #WomenScienceDay #InternationalDayOfWomenInScience #FemmesEnScience I have worked with many mentors and colleagues who have facilitated my journey as a woman scientist and who I admire deeply. 1/5
#womenscienceday #internationaldayofwomeninscience #femmesenscience
Today's the International Day of Girls and Women in Science and all I have to say is how bummed I am we still need all those events to promote the idea that science isn't just for straight, cis, white, middle-to-upper class, non-disabled boys and men. #InternationalDayOfWomenInScience
Dr. Gudrun Wanner, Leiterin der Arbeitsgruppe Optische Simulation innerhalb der Gruppe Interferometrie im Weltraum an unserem Institut in Hannover, erhält das Beate Naroska Junior Guest Professorship 2022!
#womeninstem #internationaldayofwomeninscience
Dr. Gudrun Wanner, Independent Group Leader for Optical Simulations in the Space Interferometry Group at our Hannover Institute, receives the Beate Naroska Junior Guest Professorship 2022!
#womeninstem #internationaldayofwomeninscience