“The cost of stranding our fossil-fuel assets is tremendous—well over $100 billion. But the cost of doubling down on them as the world moves toward renewables and demand plummets is greater. The #InternationalEnergyAgency reports that, for every U.S. dollar invested in fossil fuels, $1.70 now goes toward clean energy. Investments in #solar will soon overtake investments in oil for the first time. Our #FossilFuel assets will risk being stranded, sooner or later, as the global economy moves on.”
#internationalenergyagency #solar #fossilfuel
In 2023, the #InternationalEnergyAgency expects investment in #solarpower to outstrip the amount spent on the production of #oil.... a pivot to #cleanenergy that is already underway in more aggregate terms.
[Caveat: 'clean energy' includes the manufacture of #electricvehicles while the #fossilfuel figure does not include the production of combustion engined vehicles, which, of course distorts these figure - but the move in the balance is going in the right direction]
#internationalenergyagency #solarpower #oil #cleanenergy #electricvehicles #fossilfuel
The Tyee: These Rare BC Reefs Are No Longer Threatened by Offshore Drilling (in News) https://thetyee.ca/News/2023/04/25/Rare-BC-Reefs-No-Longer-Threatened-Offshore-Drilling/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #HecateStrait/QueenCharlotteSoundGlassSpongeReefsMarineProtectedArea #ScottIslandsmarineNationalWildlifeArea #HusseinAlidinaWorldWildlifeFundCanada #marinebiologistJessicaSchultz #InternationalEnergyAgency #WorldWildlifeFundCanada #NaturalResourcesCanada #NorthernShelfbioregion
#BCNews #TheTyee #hecatestrait #scottislandsmarinenationalwildlifearea #husseinalidinaworldwildlifefundcanada #marinebiologistjessicaschultz #internationalenergyagency #worldwildlifefundcanada #naturalresourcescanada #northernshelfbioregion
The Tyee: The Rising Chorus of Renewable Energy Skeptics (in Analysis) https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2023/04/07/Rising-Chorus-Renewable-Energy-Skeptics/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #TheRareMetalsWar:TheDarkSideofCleanEnergy #KleinmanCentreforEnergyPolicy #InternationalEnergyAgency #MiningAssociationofCanada #RenewableEnergySkeptics #ExtractiontoExtinction #globalminingfootprint #CobaltmininginCongo #AliceJ.Friedemann #rareearthelements #WalterYoungquist #GuillaumePitron #rareearthmining
#BCNews #TheTyee #theraremetalswar #kleinmancentreforenergypolicy #internationalenergyagency #miningassociationofcanada #renewableenergyskeptics #extractiontoextinction #globalminingfootprint #cobaltminingincongo #alicej #rareearthelements #walteryoungquist #guillaumepitron #rareearthmining
The #IEA has released their full report of worldwide #CO2 #emissions in 2022. Here are some of the key findings. The full report is available for download (link below).
- Global energy-related CO2 emissions grew by 0.9% or 321 Mt in 2022, reaching a new high of over 36.8 Gt. Following two years of exceptional oscillations in energy use and emissions, caused in part by the Covid-19 pandemic, last year’s growth was much slower than 2021’s rebound of more than 6%. Emissions from energy combustion increased by 423 Mt, while emissions from industrial processes decreased by 102 Mt.
- Increased emissions from coal more than offset reductions from natural gas. Amid a wave of gas-to-coal switching during the global energy crisis, CO2 emissions from coal grew by 1.6% or 243 Mt, far exceeding the last decade’s average growth rate, and reaching a new all-time high of almost 15.5 Gt.
- Emissions from oil grew even more than emissions from coal, rising by 2.5% or 268 Mt to 11.2 Gt. Around half of the increase came from aviation, as air travel continued to rebound from pandemic lows, nearing 80% of 2019 levels. Tempering this increase, electric vehicles continued to gain momentum in 2022, with over 10 million cars sold, exceeding 14% of global car sales.
- In a year marked by energy price shocks, rising inflation, and disruptions to traditional fuel trade flows, global growth in emissions was lower than feared, despite gas-to-coal switching in many countries. Increased deployment of clean energy technologies such as renewables, electric vehicles, and heat pumps helped prevent an additional 550 Mt in CO2 emissions. Industrial production curtailment, particularly in China and Europe, also averted additional emissions.
#Climate #ClimateCrisis #InternationalEnergyAgency #FossilFuels #Coal #Oil #NaturalGas
#iea #co2 #emissions #climate #ClimateCrisis #internationalenergyagency #fossilfuels #coal #oil #NaturalGas
The Tyee: Clouds Building over BC LNG Projects (in News) https://thetyee.ca/News/2023/03/02/Clouds-Building-BC-LNG-Projects/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #B.C.DeclarationontheRightsofIndigenousPeoplesAct #B.C.EnvironmentMinisterGeorgeHeyman #B.C.GreenPartyLeaderSoniaFurstenau #BCLiberalLeaderKevinFalcon #BlueberryRiverFirstNations #InternationalEnergyAgency #FortisBCTilburyLNGPlant #BCLiberalMLAEllisRoss #PremierChristyClark #BCLiberalMichaelLee #MusqueamIndianBand #BCPremierDavidEby
#BCNews #TheTyee #b #BCLiberalLeaderKevinFalcon #blueberryriverfirstnations #internationalenergyagency #fortisbctilburylngplant #bcliberalmlaellisross #PremierChristyClark #bcliberalmichaellee #musqueamindianband #BCPremierDavidEby
Europe Gears Up LNG Imports As Global Competition For Fuel Grows
Europe was the most prominent & biggest importer in the global liquified natural gas sector in the year 2022, with the region buying considerably higher volumes than its competitors as it attempts to replace the shrinking Russian pipeline gas supplies.
Read more: https://www.emeriobanque.com/news/europe-gears-up-lng-imports-as-global-competition-for-fuel-grows
#Europenations #Refinitiv #InternationalEnergyAgency #GlobalCompetitionForFuelGrows
#globalcompetitionforfuelgrows #internationalenergyagency #refinitiv #europenations
From the updated status of #Hydrogen projects it is clear that #EnergyTransition is happening at different speed in the world: more advanced countries need to support the others, for example in #Africa, if they want to succeed!
Data source: #InternationalEnergyAgency
#hydrogen #energytransition #africa #Greeneconomy #sustainability #internationalenergyagency
3 things a climate scientist wants world leaders to know ahead of COP27
#Environment #FossilFuels #ClimateChange #UnitedNations #UN #HeatWave #InternationalEnergyAgency #COP27
#environment #fossilfuels #climatechange #unitednations #un #heatwave #internationalenergyagency #Cop27
"The International Energy Agency estimates that biogas (and biomethane) could meet up to 20 per cent of the world's gas requirements during the transition away from fossil fuels, and help us get closer to net zero. But a new study, published in the journal One Earth, claims emissions from biogas could be higher than we've been estimating, and there is significant work to be done to get its emissions down."
#fossilfuels #internationalenergyagency #iea #gas #biogas
"Scientists have for the first time used satellite data to detect a major offshore leak of the potent greenhouse gas methane, according to peer-reviewed research. Fossil fuel operations globally emitted about 120 million tonnes of the planet-warming gas in 2020, nearly one-third of all methane emissions from human activity, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA)."
#Methane #IEA #InternationalEnergyAgency #FossilFuels
#fossilfuels #internationalenergyagency #iea #methane
#ClimateCrisis puts #oil in the crosshairs, but dependence persists
The #InternationalEnergyAgency warned in May that an immediate halt to new investment in fossil projects is needed if the world is to reach net-zero #carbon emissions by 2050 and to stand any chance of limiting warming to 1.5C.
#carbon #climatecrisis #oil #internationalenergyagency
Carbon dioxide peaks near 420 parts per million at #MaunaLoa observatory
Scientists said that the increase in #CarbonDioxide over the first 5 months of 2021 was at 2.3 parts per million, which is around the average annual increase between 2010 and 2019. That increase was despite the fact that global #energy use decreased by 4% and #emissions fell 5.8%, the #InternationalEnergyAgency (#IEA) said in a recent report.
#maunaloa #carbondioxide #greenhousegas #co2 #energy #emissions #internationalenergyagency #iea #climatecrisis
To constrain the growth of SUVs, tax vehicles by weight, like #France is doing. That's the view of the #InternationalEnergyAgency https://www.iea.org/commentaries/carbon-emissions-fell-across-all-sectors-in-2020-except-for-one-suvs
#Transportpolicy #transport #internationalenergyagency #france