🙂Olá, linda semana para você!
Como hoje é #DiaInternacionaldaFelicidade e eu, fazendo freela de #ghostwriter #journalism, posto aqui as pesquisas que coletei e textos que desenterrei sobre o assunto:
#diainternacionaldafelicidade #ghostwriter #journalism #internationalhappinessday
On #InternationalHappinessDay
I’ve made my own Museum of
Happiness, which isn’t built of brick
or stone or wood, its walls the thickness
of the day, a flapping tongue of canvass
held in place by rope & peg to stop
it flying off & joyously away
up into everywhere in time & space.
From 'Happiness' by Stuart A. Paterson via The Scottish Poetry Library
Happiness is all around you, so busk yourself in the warm laughter and cheery smiles!
Happy International Day of Happiness!☺️
#InternationalDayOfHappiness #internationalhappinessday #happinessday #Happiness #behappy #dayofhappiness #Aquaneeta
#internationaldayofhappiness #internationalhappinessday #happinessday #happiness #behappy #dayofhappiness #aquaneeta
May your days be filled with a bounty of happiness! Best wishes on International Happiness Day!☺
#InternationalDayOfHappiness #internationalhappinessday #happinessday #Happiness #behappy #dayofhappiness #OperaHolidays
#internationaldayofhappiness #internationalhappinessday #happinessday #happiness #behappy #dayofhappiness #operaholidays
Find something that makes you happy and use it to make others happy !!!
Happy International Day of Happiness!☺️
#InternationalDayOfHappiness #internationalhappinessday #happinessday #Happiness #behappy #dayofhappiness #DigitalPowerTechnologies
#internationaldayofhappiness #internationalhappinessday #happinessday #happiness #behappy #dayofhappiness #digitalpowertechnologies
Count the good things in your life and give yourself reasons to be happy on this joyful occasion of International Happiness Day. ☺️
#InternationalDayOfHappiness #internationalhappinessday #happinessday #Happiness #behappy #dayofhappiness #inspiritsafetysolutions s
#internationaldayofhappiness #internationalhappinessday #happinessday #happiness #behappy #dayofhappiness #inspiritsafetysolutions
Be happy and make everyone around you happy!
Happy International Day of happiness! ☺️☺️
#InternationalDayOfHappiness #internationalhappinessday #happinessday #Happiness #behappy #dayofhappiness #INVICTUS
#internationaldayofhappiness #internationalhappinessday #happinessday #happiness #behappy #dayofhappiness #invictus
Only 11 days to go until the most depressing day of the year for me #InternationalHappinessDay