Honoring International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
On a personal note, meet my family.
I never got to meet too many of them, because they were not lucky enough to make it out alive.
At the same time, I am here thanks to and because of the ones that were among the lucky ones.
I see in this picture a portrayal of the fragility and triumph of our families, side by side.
#internationalholocaustremembranceday #holocaust #holocaustmemorial #weremember #shoah #jewish #mazeldon
#internationalholocaustremembranceday #holocaust #holocaustmemorial #weremember #shoah #jewish #mazeldon
RT @robsatloff
I never thought I would see this: standing-room-only crowd of #Egyptians gather at historic Adli Synagogue in #Cairo, spellbound as 92-year-old #Auschwitz survivor #RuthCohen tells her gripping story. @HolocaustMuseum #InternationalHolocaustRemembranceDay
#egyptians #cairo #auschwitz #ruthcohen #internationalholocaustremembranceday
RT @simonerzim@twitter.com
Those seeking to link the Jerusalem murders to #InternationalHolocaustRemembranceDay flatten reality into one long sad story for the Jews, avoiding the hard work of facing how the Jewish state abuses Jewish history to keep Jews terrified and complicit in its colonial violence
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/simonerzim/status/1619323366959382528
RT @simonerzim@twitter.com
The killings in Jerusalem have nothing to do with #InternationalHolocaustRemembranceDay and those suggesting otherwise are grossly abusing & distorting Jewish history.
Such flattening of reality and erasing context will never stop bloodshed & suffering. 🧵
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/simonerzim/status/1619323357866098688
RT @Larchwood20@twitter.com
Marking #InternationalHolocaustRemembranceDay How did the Jehovah's Witnesses Back Down Against the Nazis? (D35 Part 12) https://youtu.be/aZvmZnYBPAw via @YouTube@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Larchwood20/status/1619329429976797184
Midway between Salzburg and Vienna in Austria are the remains of Mauthausen, a Nazi work camp. I visited Mauthausen Memorial a few years back and posted my photos to Flicker.
#NeverForget #WeRemember #InternationalHolocaustRemembranceDay #HolocaustRemembranceDay #photography #WW2 #war #antisemitism #holocaust #history #PhotoOfTheDay
#History #antisemitism #War #WeRemember #photooftheday #holocaust #ww2 #Photography #holocaustremembranceday #internationalholocaustremembranceday #NeverForget
Mauthausen #Austria, from a visit in Oct 2016. A grey, cold, misty afternoon. Monochromatic light. With one exception, it felt like color just did not belong there.
“I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented“ - Elie Wiesel
#internationalholocaustremembranceday #holocaust #monochrome #neverforget #BlackAndWhite
#austria #internationalholocaustremembranceday #holocaust #monochrome #neverforget #BlackAndWhite
RT @WestchesterDA@twitter.com
As a daughter of a Holocaust survivor, DA Rocah writes "On this #InternationalHolocaustRemembranceDay, it is more critical than ever that we understand why remembering and speaking out is so important." Read her OpEd in today's New York Daily News: https://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/ny-oped-stop-hate-before-it-turns-to-horror-20230127-yjz2s62clvdwbbd3xgwi6zbhqi-story.html?fbclid=IwAR11moGn7h9ICGnUJZGeBWkOjy5DzWivyPWRQrOWDKGbDd6GUk1w3hs9QHM
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/WestchesterDA/status/1619050293924347904
RT @playinglesshurt@twitter.com
Thrilled there's an excerpt from my new book The Cello Still Sings today: ‘Music was their lifeline’: Excerpt from Janet Horvath’s new Holocaust memoir https://www.thestrad.com/playing-hub/music-was-their-lifeline-excerpt-from-janet-horvaths-new-holocaust-memoir/16020.article#.Y9PeQisbI5g.twitter #books #InternationalHolocaustRemembranceDay #music #amwriting
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/playinglesshurt/status/1618978568964567042
#books #internationalholocaustremembranceday #music #amwriting
zur #Erinnerung
#InternationalHolocaustRemembranceDay #InternationalerTagdes GedenkensandieOpferdes Holocaust
#Erinnerung #internationalholocaustremembranceday #internationalertagdes
A high school teacher friend gave me the opportunity to speak to her AP Gov class about antisemitism in the media. With rising antisemitic violence, I used my background in cultural media studies and my passion for DEI and education to develop the class. Here is a summary of what I shared.
We all need to better understand antisemitism and its connection to other forms of oppression.
#InternationalHolocaustRemembranceDay #Education #Antisemitism #DEI #MediaStudies
#internationalholocaustremembranceday #education #antisemitism #dei #mediastudies
On this #InternationalHolocaustRemembranceDay, I remember my grandparents, among so many others, who suffered unimaginably because of Nazi hate & ppl's willingness to endorse #fascism.
Honour your ancestors, their courage and love, their suffering and sacrifice.
Then take a good, hard look around. Because fascism is sowing its hate again. In the USA. Canada. Everywhere.
#internationalholocaustremembranceday #fascism #neveragain
Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Please take the time to reflect on this tragedy, to learn and say the name of at least one victim (resource: @auschwitzmuseum), and to do the work of dismantling hate.
#InternationalHolocaustRemembranceDay #HolocaustMemorialDay #Holocaust #Shoah
#shoah #holocaust #holocaustmemorialday #internationalholocaustremembranceday
RT @Dave_Eby@twitter.com
On #InternationalHolocaustRemembranceDay , we remember the millions of people who were murdered during the Holocaust. We honour the survivors and recognize all those who risked their lives to save others in those dark days. #WeRemember and vow #NeverAgain. https://t.co/QLnrYb5pFy
#internationalholocaustremembranceday #weremember #neveragain
Hey beloved and fellow Jewish people! If you don't want to mark #InternationalHolocaustRemembranceDay, that is totally fine!! Remember it's more for the non-Jewish world than for us. It's THEIR responsibility, not ours.
You are not responsible for #PeopleLoveDeadJews.
#internationalholocaustremembranceday #peoplelovedeadjews
#InternationalHolocaustRemembranceDay | Holocaust Encyclopedia
RT @GeoffyPJohnston@twitter.com
To mark #InternationalHolocaustRemembranceDay, I interviewed Dr. @nilikm@twitter.com & @DBPanneton@twitter.com of @CanadianFSWC@twitter.com about rising #Antisemitism in Canada. Also includes comments from Health Minister @jyduclos@twitter.com & @MichaelMostyn@twitter.com of @bnaibrithcanada@twitter.com . #NeverAgain
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GeoffyPJohnston/status/1618755448617963521
#internationalholocaustremembranceday #antisemitism #NeverAgain
“What, then, are we to make of International Holocaust Remembrance Day? Where might it belong in the grand scheme of things? Circling back to the distinction between history and memory, I’d suggest that the U.N.-sponsored initiative stands in for history, while Yom HaShoah does the honors for memory. The first documents and instructs; the second welds those who observe it into a community with a shared past.”
#babka #internationalholocaustremembranceday
Queer folk
Disabled folk
And on and on and on
#InternationalHolocaustRemembranceDay is a reminder that where there is hate for one community, there will be hate for many. Antisemitism was the baseline, and from it hate grew exponentially.
Never again.