RedGreenDevon · @RedGreenLibre
64 followers · 1406 posts · Server

From Kosovo to Ukraine

Gilbert "Achcar’s The New Cold War deftly arms internationalists with the historical knowledge needed to develop new strategies to build the international working class in a new period of inter-imperialist rivalry. What these strategies may be, however, remains only to be discovered beyond the pages of The New Cold War—in the existing conjuncture of struggle as it develops day by day".

#marxism #internationalism #ir #conflict #nato #imperialism

Last updated 1 year ago

It organises international aid campaigns - and produces films. 102 years ago, is founded in Berlin, the "International Workers' Aid". It is supported by many very well-known intellectuals.
Some of the Supporters:
Albert Einstein,
Martin Nexø,
Henri Barbusse,
Maxim Gorki,
George Grosz,
Käthe Kollwitz,
George Bernard Shaw,
Upton Sinclair
Ernst Toller

Their goal a free and just world for everyone!

#otd #internationalism

Last updated 1 year ago

It organises international aid campaigns - and produces films. 102 years ago, is founded in Berlin, the "International Workers' Aid". It is supported by many very well-known intellectuals.
Some of the Supporters:
Albert Einstein,
Martin Andersen Nexø,
Henri Barbusse,
Maxim Gorki,
George Grosz,
Maximilian Harden,
Arthur Holitscher,
Käthe Kollwitz,
George Bernard Shaw,
Upton Sinclair
Ernst Toller

Their goal a free and just world for (...)

#otd #internationalism

Last updated 1 year ago

stephen m 🍞🌹 · @marxistvegan
260 followers · 919 posts · Server

DSA’s approach to internationalism doesn’t center working-class struggle enough. Delegates to the 2023 Convention can change that with a vote for Amendment C to the IC Consensus Resolution: For a Class-Struggle Internationalism via @SocialistCall@birdsite

#dsaconvention2023 #dsa #internationalcommittee #amendements #bnr #internationalism

Last updated 1 year ago

Something that's been on my mind for a while:

Yes, there is an overwhelming amount of violence being done by the capitalist colonial cisheteropatriarchal hierarchical state system. Yes, we as individuals can only be aware of the tip of the iceberg. Yes, what we do to resist, what we see others doing to resist, is small in impact and won't be enough.

But there's so, so much more resistance going on, by millions of anarchists all around the world, that we'll never know about as individuals. Accumulations of small things, spontaneous things, as well as organized, sustained, revolutionary efforts by anarchists whose names we'll never know. And we won't always ever see the impacts they're having on the world, either, especially if it's in a community far away. But even in you own community, you might not know what other anarchists are doing if it's not safe for them to be public about it. Every time we learn about a new movement or action, it's proof: our experience of resistance, too, is necessarily the tip of the iceberg. On it's own, your or my spreading of radical understanding, guerrilla gardening the neighborhood, or building a mutual aid system isn't going to end domination and establish an anarchist society. But the sum total of everyone's actions of resistance over time, developed into a plurality of cohesive revolutionary struggles, might very well.

This is not an excuse to do nothing, and leave everything to everyone else. This is a reason to do something, and know that there's real hope. So, instead of resigning myself to doomerist thinking about the trajectory of the world, I'm choosing to be inspired by my comrades I'll never get to know about. And, I'm choosing to do what I can to learn about revolutionary struggles I don't know much about, and lend my support in whatever ways I can, while resisting in my own community however I can.

#anarchism #revolution #Doomerism #capitalism #colonialism #cisheteropatriarchy #hierarchy #internationalism #state #solidarity #hope #climate #mutualaid #resist #individual

Last updated 1 year ago

F.U. 🅭🌹🇺🇸 · @frankie
136 followers · 357 posts · Server

@alexl @TheConversationUS
That's a really good response.
TBH the 4th panel doesn't work well, because the two words mainly address on their home soil.
IMO, people expressing their extra-nationally:
If the host citizens oppose your actions, you're doing .
If they like having you there, that's ... globalism? [Edit, no the correct term is .]

#citizens #nationality #imperialism #internationalism

Last updated 1 year ago

The Durham Miners' Gala for left-leaning Scots.

"In days past, every Labour leader from Keir Hardie to Neil Kinnock made it a priority to address the Big Meeting but that bond was broken by Tony Blair who, despite representing the nearby former mining constituency of Sedgefield, studiously avoided attending the event and, on occasions, did not even reply to the DMA’s invitation"

#socialism #internationalism #scottishindependence #durham #miners

Last updated 1 year ago

🪻🏁 · @flowerpunk
68 followers · 2302 posts · Server
Dziga Vertov 2 · @DzigaVertov2
119 followers · 1718 posts · Server
Miro Collas · @Miro_Collas
292 followers · 6733 posts · Server

The Trap of Decommunization. Ukraine, Yugoslavia, and war. - YouTube

Recommended for the perspective and background.

#history #decommunization #yugoslavia #ukraine #neoliberalism #capitalism #lgbtq #internationalism

Last updated 2 years ago

Jessica Reinisch · @JessicaReinisch
307 followers · 83 posts · Server
KK · @KK0000000000
246 followers · 5242 posts · Server

Australians gather outside Parliament in Adelaide with Z t-shirts as they come out defiantly in support of Moscow & against Western politicians.
People aren't even afraid of flying Russian flag despite Australian government's Hatred toward it.


Last updated 2 years ago

dustcircle :verified: · @dustcircle
77 followers · 1467 posts · Server

believed was essential for any struggle for . On the anniversary of his assassination, we discuss the need to carry on Malcolm’s legacy by keeping the dream of international alive.

#malcolmx #internationalism #liberation #revolution

Last updated 2 years ago

christen · @christen
52 followers · 1 posts · Server

HELLO WORLD 🦑 i'm an from & .

i think a lot about:
🎨 (mine + other ppl's)
🤑 & industries
🤡 politics
🕊 , particularly
🥺 how we relate under

shoutout to the homie @jedmund for this cozy setup 🍵 super happy to finally be in a place where i won't get shadowbanned for being myself lol xd uwu

#introduction #illustrator #sanfrancisco #tokyo #humanart #culture #tech #art #media #bayarea #internationalism #usa #japan #philippines #capitalism #competitivegaming #esports #mentalhealth #adhd

Last updated 2 years ago

Pinetree · @CommiePine
60 followers · 3420 posts · Server

RT @Ziang_Gaston
Alle Macht den Räten! Die Erde soll unser aller Welt in Zuneigung sein. Das ist was Karl damit gemeint hat. Also ignoriert es nicht Genoss*innen!


Last updated 2 years ago

Gutmensch. · @impooortant
22 followers · 647 posts · Server
Freies Sender Kombinat FSK · @fsk
137 followers · 37 posts · Server

die Proteste in gegen das putschistische und neoliberale Regime von dauern an, in verschiedenen Städten. ebenso die polizeiliche, staatliche Gewalt, auch nach dem Massaker in Juliaca.
wir folgen aktuell dazu @tallerutopia und @radiotemblor
hat wer noch Ressourcen oder Hashtags, so direkt wie möglich?

#peru #dinaboluarte #federated #resistance #niunmuertomas #internationalism #Rundfunkfreiheit #peruprotest

Last updated 2 years ago

تعقوب · @schlojj
55 followers · 98 posts · Server

Late intro: hello mastodon!

Studied and , went to for , stayed for love, between studies in and volunteering for @DAAD_worldwide.
Finished M.A. in History after nearly ten years inscribed at Uni . Wrote on in armed -imperialist groups, sourced from every continent via digital .
Now at the @ibero_amerikanisches_institut, interested in , and aspects

#history #biology #mexico #salamanders #iztapalapa #bochum #internationalism #anti #newspapers #archives #librarian #data #fachbibliotheken #international

Last updated 2 years ago