Massimo · @kobaltauge
74 followers · 1635 posts · Server
Dr. Sbaitso · @drsbaitso
70 followers · 342 posts · Server

The Türkiye-Syria Earthquake Relief Bundle is up at HumbleBundle.

$30 (or more) goes straight to Direct Relief, International Medical Corps, and Save the Children. And it gets you a butt-ton of Steam games, the Starfinder Core Rulebook, and Brian K Vaughan's Saga, volumes 1-10.

The headliners are Gotham Knights, Ghostrunner, Pathfinder Kingmaker (which I have played and enjoyed. it's a hard throwback to the old Infinity Engine games, like Baldur's Gate 1 & 2), XCOM 2 (which is also quite good), and Payday 2 (which I've tried, and it wasn't my cup of tea).

Some of the games look Not Safe For Work, so I guess be aware of that if you're looking at stuff with kids. You get ~70 individual Steam keys, so you can just not register ones you don't want kids to have access to.

There's really an absolute ton, and it all goes to charities. Go get you some.

I'm not associated with Humble Bundle, or any of the charities mentioned.

#turkiye #syria #earthquake #turkey #turkeyearthquakes #humblebundle #charity #directrelief #internationalmedicalcorps #savethechildren

Last updated 2 years ago