Greetings from 4 a.m. Bangkok and the view from my apartment. #jetlag #Bangkok #InternationalMove #NewJob
#bangkok #internationalmove #newjob #jetlag
It just got real. The TV, Wii U and PS5 just got unplugged and packed...
#moving #internationalmove #nomorezelda
#internationalmove #moving #nomorezelda
Home stretch for packing. House is very crack den/share house...
#moving #internationalmove #packing
#moving #internationalmove #packing
2 weeks until we move out. Sold the futon, bedroom suite, DVD collection and some retro console projects I never finished today. It is getting real. #moving #everythingmustgo #internationalmove #internationalschool
#internationalschool #moving #internationalmove #everythingmustgo
The cats are adjusting better than I could've ever hoped for. 😆 #InternationalMove
Final vet day before we fly. 😅 Really hoping that this is all more stressful for me than for them.
#CatsOfMastodon #internationalmove
We're on the road. This is the scariest thing we've ever done. We'll be in New York in 9 days, and leaving the country in less than a month, and Croatia in a month. We're so incredibly blessed. Leaving the home and community we've made in Nashville the last 10+ years is so hard. We hope the adventure is worth it. Soon youll be able to buy all our things at auction. Good luck.
#travel #internationalMove #onTheRoad #adventure #nashville
#travel #internationalmove #ontheroad #adventure #nashville
Yesterday morning was good. We had one last visit to one our favorite places, Cheekwood, before we move across the world. It was a great break in the packing stress. #packing #moving #internationalMove
#packing #moving #internationalmove
The movers have to come about 4 days earlier than we expected. That's cool. Cool. Cool. Cool.
We're totally not ready. If you've ever wondered what goes on in my head, currently, it's just screaming. 😱
#move #moving #internationalmove
Downsizing for an international move. Hardest decision so far, was if to keep my fold over Doc Martens. Like do you need Doc Martens in the Mediterranean?!
I put them both on today. Does anyone have recommendations for the best way to pack Docs? I can't wear both pair there.
#DocMarten #fashion #shoes #InternationalMove #moving #packing #Mediterranean
#docmarten #fashion #shoes #internationalmove #moving #packing #mediterranean
We've had our first round of friends/family picking up things we're getting rid of. It was actually really nice. We have so much to do and so little time/energy. Fingers crossed this works out. #internationalmove #moving #packing #immigrating
#immigrating #packing #moving #internationalmove