I have a question for linguists out there:
In typical (Canadian English) productions of a word like "worm", which of the following are acceptable? Which do you prefer? Are any of them flatly wrong?
[wɹ̩m] [wɝm] [wɚm]
If you have a preference, is it based on phonetic differences between the options? Phonological convention? Something else?
I realize I've been including phonetic characters in some of my posts without explanation. If you're not familiar, the #InternationalPhoneticAlphabet (IPA) is a standard way to represent *sounds* (as opposed to letters) consistently across all spoken languages.
The alphabet is maintained by the International Phonetic Association (also IPA).
You can find an interactive version here: https://www.internationalphoneticassociation.org/IPAcharts/inter_chart_2018/IPA_2018.html
I like this site for typing on desktop and mobile devices: https://ipa.typeit.org/full/
The Cyrillic "Гг" also matches uppercase Greek gamma "Γ", which was historically /g/ but has undergone a process called lenition or spirantization. It is now pronounced with a sound that linguists actually represent in the #InternationalPhoneticAlphabet with lowercase Greek gamma /ɣ/. It sounds to English ears a bit like a voiced "h", so there is at least a superficial parallel between Ukrainian and Greek.
#internationalphoneticalphabet #cyrillic #greek #writingsystems
Doing normal father-son stuff, learning about the Ukrainian alphabet.
Of course I shared with him the Omniglot page for it - https://omniglot.com/writing/ukrainian.htm
He observed, "The IPA is like Thieves Cant for linguists!"
First of all, yes. It totally is. 💯
Second, I feel very 🏆 right now!
Is Randall Munroe finally getting in on all the #InternationalPhoneticAlphabet #FUNetics antics? Welcome to the game, XKCD!
#internationalphoneticalphabet #funetics
IPA Character of the week
#internationalphoneticalphabet #characteroftheweek
Today was the end of the "Sounds of the World's Languages" unit in my class. To wrap it all up, I showed this "description" of #Qatar to my students and asked them to both critique it, and then decide together what #InternationalPhoneticAlphabet symbols they thought the article was describing. It was absolutely hilarious and educational at the same time. Highly recommended, would do it again.
#qatar #internationalphoneticalphabet
The second consonant I'm pretty sure is a pharyngealized voiceless stop, but "T is quick and explosive" is...painful. While most people don't know the #InternationalPhoneticAlphabet, I think #journalism style guides should require an IPA transcription for those in the know, which gives readers the information they need to know to look it up when the following tortured description still doesn't make sense. 2/
#internationalphoneticalphabet #journalism
Have any of you linguists listened to the new #CrookedMedia & #Duolingo language-themed #podcast #Radiolingo yet? Their use of the #InternationalPhoneticAlphabet is *so close*--if only they'd just used that [ɹ] instead. Still, I guess I'll give it a try.
#crookedmedia #Duolingo #podcast #radiolingo #internationalphoneticalphabet
Have any of you linguists listened to the new #CrookedMedia #Radiolingo language-themed #podcast yet? Their use of #InternationalPhoneticAlphabet is *so close*--if only they'd just used that [ɹ] instead. Still, I guess I'll give it a try.
#crookedmedia #radiolingo #podcast #internationalphoneticalphabet