Infinity Garden Update 16 June 2023
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#FocusedonInfinity #LoganGrendel #garden #directaction #capitalismkills #growfoodnotlawns #infinitygarden #growyourownfood #witchesagainstwhitesupremacy #linkinbio #leftist #abolition #solidarity #leftistprepper #preppingforthepeople #internationalproletarianrevolution #fasciststatesofamerica #holidaystrike #generalstrike #boycottamazon #witchesofinstagram #mutualaid #dualpower #noplanetb #resistanceisfertile
#FocusedonInfinity #LoganGrendel #garden #DirectAction #capitalismkills #growfoodnotlawns #InfinityGarden #growyourownfood #witchesagainstwhitesupremacy #linkinbio #leftist #abolition #solidarity #leftistprepper #preppingforthepeople #internationalproletarianrevolution #fasciststatesofamerica #holidaystrike #generalstrike #boycottamazon #witchesofinstagram #MutualAid #dualpower #noplanetb #resistanceisfertile
"Nobody in history has ever gotten freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people oppressing them." - Assata Shakur
We have to use *power* if anything is going to change. And by power I don't mean might or physical force, but solidarity and care.
I'm currently compiling info for an episode on how we can make a #generalstrike happen. If you have any ideas my dms are open📲
Solidarity with the people of Haiti, India, and everywhere else there is an uprising.
Join my Patreon for more art, garden, music, Magick, and political content you won't find elsewhere. Link in bio↖️
#FocusedonInfinity #LoganGrendel #podcast #politics #nonbinary #directaction #acab #socialism #indiastrikes #haiti #mutualaid #witchesagainstwhitesupremacy #linkinbio #leftist #nazipunksfuckoff #blacklivesmatter #abolition #abolishpolice #solidarity #internationalproletarianrevolution
#generalstrike #FocusedonInfinity #LoganGrendel #Podcast #politics #NonBinary #DirectAction #acab #socialism #indiastrikes #haiti #MutualAid #witchesagainstwhitesupremacy #linkinbio #leftist #nazipunksfuckoff #blacklivesmatter #abolition #abolishpolice #solidarity #internationalproletarianrevolution
I'm well aware that we don't have the same conditions that successful strikes in the past had. But we also have a great many things they did not, like the internet. India managed to get 250 million people to participate; I think we can manage a few million, no?
If your instinct is to say it's not possible, one question for you: what other options do we have? Seriously, not rhetorically - what else will force change in a money-driven society other than stopping their flow of money?
The only question right now is not "if" but "how" - we're about to lose another 200,000 people over the winter because of the people in power. Maybe you think waiting is acceptable but I respectfully disagree. Strongly.
#generalstrike #internationalproletarianrevolution #solidarity
#generalstrike #internationalproletarianrevolution #solidarity
Even this absolute stain of a human wanted to give us more pandemic stimulus but Congress wouldn't allow it.
Think about all the messed up things he has said and done that they would not stand in the way of or even speak out against, but giving citizens enough money to survive was just a bridge too far.
Have we seen enough yet?
#generalstrike #internationalproletarianrevolution