“Paleogenomics can help elucidate the genetic basis of modern diseases, including inborn errors of immunity that impair the response to infections, providing a tool for drug development.” #dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #ancientdna #geneadons #nature #epigenetics #paleogenomics
#dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #ancientdna #geneadons #nature #epigenetics #paleogenomics
#IGG for the win! #modbee #forensic #dna #geneadon #geneticgenealogy #isogg #InternationalSocietyOfGeneticGenealogy #modestobee https://www.modbee.com/opinion/garth-stapley/article272901045.html
#igg #modbee #forensic #dna #geneadon #geneticgenealogy #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #modestobee
“What's more, psychopathy is almost undoubtedly only partly genetic and has a lot to do with what's called "human phenotypic plasticity" – the innate ability for our genes to express differently under different circumstances.” #dna #epigenetics #isogg #InternationalSocietyOfGeneticGenealogy
#dna #epigenetics #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneadon
“In a study published recently in Current Biology, the researchers examined the DNA from 10 different ancient humans, which is quite a lot considering most of them date from 5,500 to 7,500 years old. These remains came from three locations in Siberia — the Altai Mountains, the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Russian Far East.” #dna #ancientDNA #isogg #InternationalSocietyOfGeneticGenealogy #geneadons
#dna #ancientdna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneadons
#FamilyTreeDNA “20 Years an Administrator” #dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneadons #ftdna https://blog.familytreedna.com/gap-series-20-year-admin/
#familytreedna #dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneadons #ftdna
“The plasticity of the MuSC transcriptome suggests that modulating the niche environment can be a powerful tool to restore stem cell-mediated endogenous muscle regeneration in aging. Consequently, as opposed to focusing solely.”#dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneadons #epigenetics #aging
#dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneadons #epigenetics #aging
“Getting enough sleep, exercising every day, focusing on nutrition, and managing stress can impact your child’s entire life. A recent study published in the journal “Jama Pediatrics” suggests that a mother’s anxiety from conception through the baby’s first year of life can cause deficits in cognitive, language and motor development.”
#dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy
#dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy
“The researchers also conducted a DNA analysis of tissue recovered from the remains of six people excavated from Nevalı Çori and from another nearby site. Evidence showed that genetic relationships were growing closer during the transition period, another sign that people had stopped moving around and were living near one another.” #dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #ancientdna
#dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #ancientdna
“The researchers designed the tool say it promises to accelerate the development of gene therapies on a large scale. Illnesses including cystic fibrosis, Tay-Sachs disease, and sickle cell anemia are caused by errors in the order of DNA letters that encode the operating instructions for every human cell. “#dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneadons
#dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneadons #epigenetics
#dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneticgenealogy #genealogy #geneadons
#epigenetics https://torontosun.com/health/why-siblings-can-be-so-different-according-to-science/wcm/75043859-1081-4639-83e5-32b6b01f26bb/amp/
#dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneticgenealogy #Genealogy #geneadons #epigenetics
“Take a deeper look at the most recent aDNA study from Scandinavia, and see if you’re connected to any of the ancient individuals sampled.” #dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneticgenealogy #genealogy #ftdna #geneadons
#familytreedna https://blog.familytreedna.com/scandinavian-ancient-dna/
#dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneticgenealogy #Genealogy #ftdna #geneadons #familytreedna
“In a first for the field of epigenomics, scientists at the Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) have demonstrated the feasibility of studying systemic differences in DNA methylation at the population level through a new method called target-capture bisulfite sequencing.” #dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #epigenomics #geneadons
#dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #epigenomics #geneadons #epigenetics
“We assigned mitochondrial haplogroups and haplotypes from the consensus sequence (q30) generated by schmutzi and the software Haplogrep (v.2.1.25; ref. 88) applying a quality threshold of 0.65. To assign Y haplogroups, we filtered the pileup from the trimmed bams for ISOGG SNPs and for every such SNP we calculated its record of being either ancestral or derived.” #dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneticgenealogy #geneadons
#dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneticgenealogy #geneadons
Registration for RootsTech has opened! #dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneticgenealogy #genealogy #geneadons #RootsTech2023 https://www.familysearch.org/rootstech/
#dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneticgenealogy #Genealogy #geneadons #rootstech2023
“These efforts promise to greatly improve the translatability of identified key regulators and aid in the identification of bona fide targets for the future development of pharmacotherapeutics aimed at treating these disorders.” #dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneticgenealogy #genealogy #geneadons
#dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneticgenealogy #Genealogy #geneadons #epigenetics
“The Denisovans, who lived 30,000 to 50,000 years ago, were shown to be less sensitive to the odors that present-day humans perceive as floral, but four times better at sensing sulfur and three times better at balsamic. And they were very attuned to honey.”#dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneticgenealogy #genealogy #geneadons
#epigenetics #Denisovans #neanderthals #ancientDNA
#dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneticgenealogy #Genealogy #geneadons #epigenetics #denisovans #neanderthals #ancientdna
“…mice on the time-restricted diet had synchronized their gene expression with their feeding schedules. “That is important because these genes will get translated into proteins,” Deota said. “Those proteins are helping our body to anticipate that there is food coming.”#dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneticgenealogy #genealogy #geneadons
#dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneticgenealogy #Genealogy #geneadons #epigenetics
“Roman coins found in the fort suggest its residents weren’t native to the island, according to one theory, perhaps making them targets for violence. “Were they really locals, or did they move to Scandinavia?” Götherström asks. “Now, we have the answers.” #dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneticgenealogy #geneadons #Vikings #sweden
#Scandinavia https://www.science.org/content/article/brutal-massacre-sheds-light-migration-during-viking-age
#dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneticgenealogy #geneadons #vikings #sweden #scandinavia
“In summary, RSV can protect the skin from CRI by activating AMPK/SIRT7/HMGB1 axis and will not influence the curative effects of radiotherapy.”#dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneticgenealogy #geneadons
#dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneticgenealogy #geneadons #epigenetics
“Sequencing his DNA revealed genetic variants linked to diabetes, heart problems, and kidney disease. The variant that most intrigued Fairbanks was in a gene that has been associated with epilepsy and neurological issues.”
#dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneticgenealogy #genealogy #geneadons
#epigenetics #mendel #gregormendel
#dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneticgenealogy #Genealogy #geneadons #epigenetics #mendel #gregormendel