"Dlatego zwracamy się do międzynarodowych działaczy antyautorytarnych, anarchistów, antyfaszystów i sieci abolicjonistów o solidarność w naszych wysiłkach na rzecz publikacji naszych pism. Przeznaczyliśmy około 5,5 miliona IDR (327 euro) na koszty komunikacji w więzieniu, przemycanie narzędzi do pisania, edycję, drukowanie i dystrybucję książek. Pomóż nam opublikować nasze teksty w skorumpowanym systemie więziennictwa Indonezji i wesprzyj kampanie więźniów!"
#MiędzynarodowaSolidarność #InternationalSolidarity #AbolishPrisons #Antywięzienie
#miedzynarodowasolidarnosc #internationalsolidarity #abolishprisons #antywiezienie
Mega Water Basins: NFU expresses solidarity with Confédération Paysanne, writes to the French Ambassador #Land,WaterandTerritories #InternationalSolidarity #NorthAmerica #Europe
#land #internationalsolidarity #northamerica #europe
Nationalism is just another tool that "powerful" (moneyed) people use to divide us.
It is sooo ingrained in the US culture. For example saying a pledge of allegiance everyday as a child in school.
(maybe they don't do that anymore, but that's just one example)
Another is the "Made in the USA" thing. That is the wrong answer to real problems.
La Via Campesina and ECVC express their dismay at the authoritarian drift in France #Land,WaterandTerritories #InternationalSolidarity #Criminalization
#land #internationalsolidarity #criminalization
FRANCE | Water-Sharing: “Repression and Detention are Unacceptable”, says Confédération Paysanne #Land,WaterandTerritories #InternationalSolidarity #ConfederationPaysanne #Criminalization #Featured #Europe
#land #internationalsolidarity #confederationpaysanne #criminalization #featured #europe
#Italy: Anarchist comrades Anna Beniamino and Alfredo Cospito photographed at their sentencing at the Turin Court of Appeals on 26.06.2023.
Alfredo was sentenced to 23 years imprisonment for an explosive attack against the Carabinieri barracks in Fossano. Anna was sentenced to 17 years and 9 months imprisonment.
Anna Beniamino: "I catch a tragic irony in all of this: the various inquisitors muddle through not knowing well even the substance of the accusation, they stuff their papers with blatant falsehoods and contradictions, just get to the bottom line. Nothing strange: it is the sick ethics of this age where murderous profit is sanctified and poverty is criminalized."
Translated statements from both comrades regarding the trial can be found online here:
#italy #anarchistprisoners #internationalsolidarity #freethemall
France: Confederation Paysanne and CETIM echo UN Expert group’s concern about criminalization of social movements by the French State. #Land,WaterandTerritories #InternationalSolidarity #ConfederationPaysanne #PressRelease #Europe
#land #internationalsolidarity #confederationpaysanne #pressrelease #europe
Colombian government and ELN guerrilla group agree on bilateral ceasefire #InternationalSolidarity #ColombiaPeaceProcess
#internationalsolidarity #ColombiaPeaceProcess
“Acknowledgment of peasants as a political subject of rights is a historical debt from the Colombian Polity” – #InternationalSolidarity #ColombiaPeaceProcess #Solidarity #Colombia #General
#internationalsolidarity #ColombiaPeaceProcess #solidarity #colombia #general
Declaration of Humanitarian Crisis in the Pacific Coast of the Cauca and Chocó Valley #InternationalSolidarity #ColombiaPeaceProcess
#internationalsolidarity #ColombiaPeaceProcess
La Via Campesina Warns of Democratic Frailty in Ecuador #InternationalSolidarity #FoodSovereignty #Peasants'Rights #PeasantsRights #Solidarity #Zoom
#internationalsolidarity #foodsovereignty #peasants #PeasantsRights #solidarity #zoom
La Via Campesina Denounces Israeli Aggression in Gaza and Stands in Solidarity with Palestine #InternationalSolidarity #Palestine
#internationalsolidarity #palestine
#Bern, #Switzerland: Graffiti Action Against Italian Insurance Company Generali in Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoner #AlfredoCospito
Excerpt from the communique: "Generali is an Italian company and a cornerstone of Europe. It was day 180 of Alfredo's #HungerStrike, which he had started on 12/20/20 to fight 41bis. Although Alfredo stopped his hunger strike, we decided to attack because he's still in jail and 41bis still exists. The 41bis is a prison regime to which 728 other prisoners are subjected. In the 41bis regime, any physical contact is forbidden, the prisoners are monitored 24/7 by camera and microphone, you are not allowed to choose books and magazines to read yourself and much more. Alfredo has used his body as a last resort, fighting not only for himself but against the entire 41bis regime."
#bern #switzerland #alfredocospito #hungerstrike #anarchistprisoners #internationalsolidarity #no41bis
#Berlin, #Germany: Graffiti in Solidarity with 4 Imprisoned Anarchist Comrades - Fotis, Iasonas, Panos & Lampros in #Greece
#berlin #germany #greece #anarchistprisoners #internationalsolidarity #firetotheprisons
#Rimini, #italy Responsibility Claim for the Incendiary Attack Against 2 Railway Cop Cars on April 20th, 2023
Excerpt: "This attack is intended to reiterate that direct action without mediation against the state and capital is possible and necessary. The choice was made to attack with fire the railway police, a miserable appendage of the state police, assigned to the infamous task of safeguarding security in the railroad sphere. Their role as guardians of the so-called state borders was all the more reason to pay them a visit right on their doorstep."
Read the full communique here:
#DirectAction #Sabotage
#Rimini #italy #directaction #sabotage #anarchistprisoners #internationalsolidarity #acab #ftp
May Day is almost here! (International Workers’ Day)
5:00-6:15pm rally on the Boston Common - Monday, May 1.
Get there early if you want to hear some music or connect with people b4 the speakers start. In any case, we gotta be organizing. This is a great way to boost your hope and learn some things.
#mapoli #MayDay2023 #internationalSolidarity
#mapoli #mayday2023 #internationalsolidarity
International Call – We are water defending itself ! #Land,WaterandTerritories #InternationalSolidarity
#land #internationalsolidarity
#Italy: Important Updates on the Prison and Health conditions of Anarchist #AlfredoCospito (April 5, 2023)
Alfredo has NOT ended his #HungerStrike!
The reports that have been circulating in the media these days are false and slanderous, as is now the custom in this story: he was offered milk, but Alfredo refused it. If he decides to start feeding again, he will follow the instructions given to him by his trusted doctor long ago.
Ahead of the April 18 hearing, he decided to resume supplements: potassium to stabilize his heart, vitamins to try to curb the neurological problem in his lower limbs, and protein. After the hearing at the Constitutional Court in Rome, which is called to rule on the legal legitimacy in granting or not granting mitigating factors in relation to the conviction for 285 c. p. (“massacre for the purpose of attacking the security of the State,” which only provides for life imprisonment) decreed by the Cassation as part of the Scripta Manent trial, he will decide how to proceed.
He is tired and at times struggles to maintain concentration, but he is lucid and present.
In the prison ward of San Paolo, he is NOT getting mail, not even telegrams.
They are NOT delivering books to him, not even the ones he bought through the Opera prison after authorization.
In the room where he is hospitalized he has only artificial light, it is not possible for him to distinguish day from night.
And finally, the doctors in the prison medicine department at San Paolo, who are following Alfredo, still have a provision not to talk and confront the doctor of trust, but to hand over only medical records. Which in fact prevents him from being cared for in the best way.
#italy #alfredocospito #hungerstrike #anarchistprisoners #internationalsolidarity
Palestinian Land Day: Struggle for Land, Freedom and National Dignity #Land,WaterandTerritories #InternationalSolidarity #EmergingRegions #FoodSovereignty #Peasants'Rights #Palestine #LandDay #ARNA #UAWC
#land #internationalsolidarity #EmergingRegions #foodsovereignty #peasants #palestine #landday #arna #uawc
Call for Solidarity with French Social Movements! Stop Police Violence NOW! #ClimateandEnvironmentalJustice #Land,WaterandTerritories #InternationalSolidarity #Peasants'Rights #wateraction #mega-basin #Europe #France #Zoom
#ClimateandEnvironmentalJustice #land #internationalsolidarity #peasants #wateraction #mega #europe #france #zoom